วันพุธที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

A Blog Is Not a Book Substitute

Blog articles are written to make it an easier and total touch for a reader within a short amount of time and are quite short and consist of hardly 300-400 words. This is a method used by bloggers to grab the attention of audiences in an increasingly competing world of blogging.

The belief of blogging also has some negative traits. One being that the blog writers cannot get into faultless detail of any singular topic due to the word restrictions.


One explication blog writers have come up with is to stick to a confident specif field. But then these articles seem to still have confident randomness about them. For example a Gardner who is finding to learn from a blog is at a disadvantage due to the fact that he needs an total comprehension of botanical concepts which is quite a diverse field and may not be covered in a singular blog.

Bloggers have always tried to increase their audiences in a competing sphere. The cut throat competition to be listed at the top on a quest engines results. One such way is to sanitize your blog. This thus makes the blogger turn his blog to a point where it is a merely a collage of words.A very bad state is being reached with most of the bloggers going through this shortcut way.

The material in a real life book on the other hand is more comprehensive. Here writers do not have to supervene the tradition of blogging by using keywords many times in order to get a good listing. This gives the writer faultless free time to put across all the facts he wants to convey. An additional benefit being the comprehensiveness of the material being presented is faultless because of the lack of restrictions.

Books are irreplaceable and have confident warmth. It takes you into a journey of the past, tickling those memories of slow carefree days when life wasn't as complicated and free of commotions a nuisances.

Books are easy to carry and can be read any where and at any time without worrying about a battery like in the case of a laptop and doesn't pose any strain on our eyes.

In today's world we all prefer doing our work through computers. But once in a while it is always nice to give the old way a shot as it is simpler and better.

A Blog Is Not a Book Substitute

