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Marketing Programs - Which One Is Right For Me?

Is it a High Priced program with a Big name on it? Will that make me Rich? Are those being 100% up front and honest with me? How do I know which program is the Right Program? These are all questions we Must ask ourselves prior to committing to any Marketing Program. What are our expectations? Do we believe a Top Name has all the answers and is really going to show me how to get rich like him or her?

Are economy programs any good? They say you get what you pay for, but does that really apply on the Internet to Marketing Programs or just products that can be purchased on and offline? There are So many questions that You really need answers too.


Well I tell it the way I really see it and there is No money in it for me to write this, so I have no infer to lie, make up anything; just tell exactly what I have learned through my own trial and error.

There was a time that I believed that the best program was the one I could not afford. I was new and naïve, but desperately wanted to learn and get rich on the Internet. That was back in 1999. I have learned a whole lot since then. Many Businesses, Many Flops...find me a successful Honest Marketer who has not failed and I will give you my Vending Company! Many great success stories went through many failures before seeing that magical "Niche". You never give up; the key is Determination, Commitment, and a go getter attitude.

Many Great Men and Women in history failed some times before seeing success, some found and lost it some times too before seeing it and holding it. Some really Great books you should read are:

o Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill

o How to Win Friends and sway citizen by Dale Carnegie

o I Got Here. You Can Too! The Berman Differential By Bruce A. Berman

o Getting everything You Can Out Of All You've Got By Jay Abraham

o No B.S. Firm Success "The extreme No Holds Barred Kick Butt Take no Prisoners Tough And thoughprovoking Guide By Dan Kennedy

o Becoming a person Of sway By John C. Maxwell and Jim Dornan

o Consulting: The Firm That Generates Mega Dollars and Puts You in control of Your Financial future By Marc Kramer (more text book style, but awesome)

Actually any books by any of these Authors are Great Reading! Using a Good Marketing program that provided me with "Webucation" (Education by Web) and the necessary Tools and these text books among a few others have given me a good study than my local University. Why? Simple...these citizen have made it; the trainer teaches from a textbook and is less successful than I am at this point! Am I a Web Graduate? Hardly, and you can Never become a Web Graduate as the learning process just keeps on and on as the trends change and new things are introduced.

Now back to the Marketing program that I feel everyone needs one to build that foundation on. You are only as strong as the Foundation you are built upon. So Marketing is an necessary element to survival on the Internet. Statistics show that only 7% of all sites are successful...that means a Whopping 93% will Not make it! To get in that 7% is Not easy; it takes commitment, dedication and a disciplined and well understanding out plan for anything Firm you decree to go in.

Marketing is Key to all of this, if you can't market you will go really No Where. A good Marketing program should furnish you with the following:

o Support System

o Tools

o Software

o eBooks

o Resources

o Hosting

o E-Courses that Teach all the necessary things you need and how to use tools, Hosting, Site construction and more, the more it teaches the better!

o Autoresponder

o Email Ethics (which technically comes under E-Courses and Email Marketing)

o Affiliate program and study of how to use them

o Ways to generate multiple Streams of Income

o Affordable with Quality!

o Email Marketing

o List construction Techniques

o Learn How To's on List Building, Email Marketing, Creating a Newsletter

o Copywriting

o The more it offers the good and the top Priced program is Not The Answer!

o Affordability and potential Are, So Shop Around...There are many Great Programs Out There!

There are many other items that a Great Marketing program will provide. You have to check around for the one that is right for you. It is Not about price on this one. It is about Truth, Honesty, and Quality! Does every 00 marketing program do that? You good think again, unless it is Jay Abrahams...and he is really a Consultant! He is expensive, but his protégées have done well. Now to become a consultant do you have to take Jay's course? No, it would be nice but let's be realistic, not many of us have it like that...my advice for those who are curious in Consulting but Flat Broke read everything you can on the Subject, Join Jays Newsletter at http://www.abraham.com and get in touch with http://www.hardtofindseminars.com You will learn a great deal here on many subjects (and Consulting and A lot of Free stuff on Jay is ready along with many other Great Men that have made it successfully!) However, do not let it take the place of your Marketing Program, use it as a resource and it is a very good one I might add.

Go to Forums on Marketing and read what others have to say. Just anything you do; Do Not Throw Your Money at The 1st program That Sounds Like a Good Marketing Program. Too Much Hype is a Red Flag. I have really sat and watched this one High Priced program while improvement and the persons complex are the only ones successful and the only ones you see in testimonials are the same ones that were in those Videos while the brainstorming sessions of the improvement of this High Priced program. My Advice, anything like this, leave alone as all you will do is make them richer.

There really are a few and noticed I said a few Programs that are reasonably priced and are there for the members and do not cost an arm and a leg to get what you need. I would make recommendations here but I am the manager of one of the Programs so it is not fair for me to that, it comes across as me trying to market My program to you and that is not what this is about. It is about seeing what is right for you that you can afford and you will be provided with everything you need. If you want to fill out the palpate Form at my Consulting site and ask me what program it is I will then tell you. Http://www.YourSuccessWealth.com . I just want what is best for you and really depending on what your online goals are also should be thought about when picking out the Right Program.

If becoming a consultant is what you desire I have already answered that and that is the best way to go...I was Flat Broke so No I am not one of Jay's, own a few of his books but that is it. I used exact recipe I described to learn what I know plus my years of this and that to go with it. Now if you want to just sell items, like Cameras, Books, Pcs, or other electronics, you would need to study that Niche and use your Marketing program to learn how to run your Business. Bottom line is a Good Marketing program will do that for you and that I what this is about! How! And how to get there and letting you know that the top Priced Marketing program is not the answer. Quality, Affordability, and getting what you need to ensue are the accurate answers.

They say you get what you pay for...well not on the Internet. It is not like Pricing Vacuum Cleaners at your local Dept. Store, the cheap no name Brand for is not as good as the well known Brand for a Higher Price. Online with over 95% of citizen it is about How Much they can make and con you into buying. Not the potential that You Deserve. It is almost like it is backwards...The more it Cost, the less there is in it for you and the more there is for them. Do they gift it that way? Of procedure not, it is presented with promises of Riches in less than 30 days or anything line they are using. Bottom line if it sounds too good to be true the odds are it is.

A Good program will Not Promise you Riches, they will be honest with you and tell you up front, this program will Not make you Rich, or this is Not a Get Rich Quick Scheme. Either you get Rich or not will depend on you and what Firm you go into and how you Promote and market that Business. The Marketing program merely Educates you and supports that process. You are 100% guaranteed to get exactly what You put into it. If you do it ½ A$$ed that is exactly what you will get back, so a good part of it even with the very Best Marketing program out there if you only work it half way you will not get much.

Dedication, Commitment, and being a real "Go Getter Attitude" to owning, and growing a Firm is necessary on your part. The key ingredients for success. If your heart desires it bad adequate you will make it happen. Many you have to think "Outside of the Box" to get there. I have tried many accepted methods, none worked, when I used what I had learned and started mental "Outside of the Box" I caught on to a couple things that will do well for me. I understanding my way into 2 major partnerships...much like in "Think and Grow Rich". I knew I lacked capital so I had to convince person to believe in me adequate to give me opportunities and I did. You can too. Not overnight, it will take time.

1. Get into a Good Marketing Program

2. Soak up and Learn!

3. Read Books and there are a few superior eBooks that are great also.

4. Watch Educational Videos http://www.ad-alyzer.com/727/uEarn75 some of The Best!

5. Commit to what you set out to do and do not let up!

6. Remember it is Not About Price!

7. Quality and Affordability!

You will find it, if you really need and want suggestions ensue the above instructions and fill out the palpate Form, please include your name, email address and I will email you back personally with suggestions. I hope you have gained something from this Mini-eBook. Please drop me a line at Laurie@YourSuccessWealth.com and let me know. I thank you for taking the time to read it and wish you all the best on your way to success!

Wishing You Success,

Laurie Brandt

By Laurie Brandt
No Part of This eBook May be Copied or Reproduced in Anyway. It is the property of Laurie Brandt. You may give it away, you may Not sell it, Trade it or bundle it with any packages. It must be given as a Gift only! YourSuccessWealth.com © 2006

Marketing Programs...Which One Is Right For Me? YourSuccessWealth.com © 2006

Marketing Programs - Which One Is Right For Me?

