วันพุธที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

understanding Why Large clubs Use Twitter Marketing

Many wonder why large clubs use Twitter marketing. If you actually think about it, it is quite simple. They want more input on what habitancy are feeling and reasoning about their company. One can go on line and learn all about the large companies, but there are web sites that do not allow you to type your opinion. And believe or not they want your input, whether it is definite or negative.

Starbucks uses Twitter marketing all the time. They can put in promotions, give coupons away and such. Jet Blue airlines gives their Twitter followers information about flights, take off and landings. They even will tell you who will be on duty when you are ready to fly. Many frequent flyers will invite definite habitancy because they have flown with them before and liked them.


Comcast is someone else large firm that uses Twitter marketing. They actually have a real someone photograph instead of just their logo on their Twitter page. Comcast is one of the largest cable clubs in the United States and they want to stay in touch with their customers. Even Ford Motor firm is on Twitter. They want to hear feed back from their customers in regards to their cars, trucks, customer service, etc.

One of the largest food stores nationwide, Whole Foods store uses Twitter marketing to reach thousands of people. They want their customers and inherent customers what they are offering. Many new foods come in the markets and they are invited to their events. Believe it or not even H&R Block is on Twitter. They will caress their customers and invite them to ask questions about their taxes.

We all remember Southwest Airlines and their bad press about Kevin Smith being to fat to fly. Some say it was not actually bad press, but it boosted the airline sales. This was all done on Twitter and it was great marketing. Using the Twitter marketing, habitancy can now find outstanding travel deals. From the best hotels to stay at in the city they are traveling to, to the best chicken fried steak and where it is. travel agents use Twitter to give their customers a step up on good deals and when to fly. This is a great tool to use if you have to fly all over the world. Before you land, you will know what's what.

If one is an avid reader, there are large book publishers that will warn you of upcoming books you must read. They will give a very short take of the book and the price, where you can buy it and when it will be arrival out. More and more writers have Twitter and sometimes will send you their most recent book title, hoping you will go out and buy their book. Ever plan about large newspapers using Twitter marketing? Sure they do. The more copies they sell the bigger their profits. So they want to let everyone know about them. There are hundreds of large clubs using Twitter marketing. Some say it is the only way to go now.

understanding Why Large clubs Use Twitter Marketing

