วันพุธที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Terrorist in Kashmir - India

India is fighting the terrorists in kashmir since 1989. Pakistan fought three war on kashmir- 1947-48, 65, 1971. But his every effort to snatch kashmir from india become futile. Pakistan army understood the edge of indian army over pakistan army in conventional warfare. So convert their modus operandi and wage proxy war against india. Pakistan support, trained and financed the local kashmiri youth for jihad against india.

In 1990 Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (Jklf) terrorist group activate the terrorist activities in kashmir. Jklf attacked the indian army, para military groups and minority society hindu. They were demanding the free time from india and vocalize kashmir as independent nation. Jklf terrorist group mostly comprises local kashmiri muslim. There program was to liberate the kashmir. During the duration from 1990 to 1992 terrorist group created independent area in kashmir region like batmallo, sopore, kupwara, pulwama, anantnag where even india military can't enter. During that duration it viewed to pakistan that kashmir is in their hand. But they were wrong, indian army, para military force fought these terrorists.


Then in 1993 Indian Govt raised the Rashtriya Rifles, an elite army unit created exclusively for counter insurgency operations in Kashmir valley. That was turning point in counter insurgency execution in Kashmir. Pakistan also raised many terrorist factions to counter the monopoly of Jklf group which was demanding Kashmir as independent nation rather than joined Pakistan. So many terrorist factions were trained and supported by Pakistan like Harkat ul-Mujahedeen, Jaish-e-Muhammad, Lashkar-e-Taiba. Even Lashkar-e-Taiba divided into two faction al-Mansurin and al-Nasirin. These groups philiosphy was to merge the kashmir in pakistan.

During 1993 to 1995 terrorist groups were fighting each other. Indian army and para military military activate operations against terrorist groups. Even special task force and special execution group was raised by jammmu kashmir govt to fight the kashmir terrorist. During these duration local maintain to terrorist group was diminshing. Terroist groups were avoiding the direct encounter with protection forces. Now their strategy is to use the Improvised Explosive gadget (Ied) and activate grenade attack.

Kashmir millitancy phase from 1995 to now comprises mostly foreign terrorists from afghanistan, pakistan etc. They were funded, armed and trained by pakistan and pushed into the indian kashmir for jihad against indian army. These foreigner mercenaries or terrorist get monthy salary and even lump sum cost to there family on death, so called martayr. These foreigner mercenaries activate fidayeen or suicidal strike on the protection military for maximum damage. These tactics used to boost the morale the new recruit terrorists.

Now terrorists group have low morale and so called jihad is vanishing from the Kashmir. Even Kargil intrusion in 1999 was launched by Pakistan army to raise the Kashmir conflict in the international community. This shows that Pakistan and terrorists have low self esteem and confidence in their jihad. So far 90,000 lives were lost in terrorism in Kashmir.

Can Indian sub-continent afford other partition like 1947?

Terrorist in Kashmir - India

