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The Oz Principle - A Book overview

In The Oz Principle, Connors, Smith, and Hickman brilliantly use the analogy of "The Wizard of Oz" to discuss a enterprise doctrine aimed in propelling individuals and organizations to overcome unfavorable circumstances and perform desired results. This doctrine can be encompassed in one word: Accountability.

The eponymous principle builds upon the ethos of personal and organizational accountability. It explores the root cause of an organization's impediments to exceptional carrying out and productivity, and provides great comprehension on how to re-establish a enterprise from the lowest up, emphasizing on the thin line that separates success from failure. The Above The Line, Below The Line methodology is the driving force behind The Oz Principle.


The Oz Principle: Getting Results straight through Accountability

Just like Dorothy's hunt for the Wizard of Oz for enlightenment, individuals and organizations also seek out the wizard that will save them from the maladies that afflict their workplace. However, the wizard is just a distraction, bearing new-fangled enterprise philosophies and administration fads that will only create a layer atop the ugly truth that needs to be revealed. When the core qoute is not addressed, the ills will
eventually resurface and the enterprise is back to its sorry state.

Victim thinking or Failed Accountability

When a enterprise suffers from poor carrying out or unsatisfactory results, individuals from top administration all the way to the front line begin finger-pointing, forming excuses, rationalizing, and justifying, instead of doing something to alleviate the situation. They foolishly mouth that the circumstances have made victims of them, that the events are thoroughly out of their control, and that they shouldn't be blamed for the company's current problems. It's all the time something or someone else, never themselves.

Above The Line, Below The Line

A thin line separates failure and success, greatness and mediocrity.

Above The Line, you'll find the Steps to responsibility which contain in chronological order: See It, Own It, Solve It, and Do It. The first step, See It, means acknowledging the problem; to Own It is to assume responsibility for the qoute and the results; Solve It means to formulate solutions to remedy the situation; and, as a culminating step, Do It commands the
practical application of the solutions identified.

Below The Line is where the self-professed victims play

The Blame Game. Here, crippling attitudes such as Wait and See, Confusion/Tell Me What To Do, It's Not My Job, Ignore/Deny, Finger Pointing, and Cover Your Tail are rampant. Though majority of the people found in this dimension are weak in accountability, this does not mean that very accountable individuals are exempt from falling Below The Line. They, too, slip every now and then. The only discrepancy is that they know how to get out of the rut.

A simple clarification to Victimization

Individuals and organizations Below The Line languish in
self-pity until they get trapped in the "I Am a Victim"
mind-set and find it hard to break free from the vicious cycle. responsibility offers a very simple option to make, albeit a difficult one to act upon: "You can whether get stuck or get results." So stark in its simplicity that most people fail to realize that the ball has all the time been in their court.

The Power of private Accountability: interesting Yourself
Above The Line

The first step to responsibility is recognizing the problem.
It takes great courage to admit that you are stuck in a
difficult situation. Most people, however, fail to view
reality the way it is because they choose to ignore it or
they accept the situation as the status quo and go along
with it.

To kick off the march up the Steps to Accountability, you must first muster the courage to: a) identify when you fall Below The Line; b) realize that remaining Below The Line not only ignores the real qoute but leads to increasingly poor results; and c) retort and accept reality as the first step toward taking accountability.

Mustering the courage to See It will lead to the next step,
Owning It. Here, you must have the heart to own the
circumstances you've recognized in the See It step as well
as the results that will come from the policy of performance you
plan to take.

"What else can I do to rise above my circumstances and perform the results I want?" That is the examine to continually ask yourself when you find yourself stuck in a stubborn situation. Apart from creating solutions, Solving It also involves vision in determining the worst possible scenario that can happen, and being ready to battle it head on.

Having solutions is not enough if you neglect practical
application. You can't Do It unless you make yourself
accountable not only for immediate circumstances but also for hereafter accomplishment. With this, you are empowering not only yourself but also your organization.

It's so easy to be pulled back Below The Line, especially if you don't accept full responsibility for the situation and the future. A lot people are afraid to become accountable because they fear the risks associated with it. However, know that without taking the big leap, you will never get anywhere.

The Oz Principle - A Book overview

