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Happiness: Thrive by Dan Buettner - Self Help Book reveal - Secrets of the World's Happiest habitancy

Internationally recognized researcher and explorer Dan Buettner founded Blue Zones™ to explore the world's best practices in health, longevity and happiness. His groundbreaking work on longevity led to his 2005 National Geographic cover story, " Secrets of Longevity."

After learning longevity, Buettner wondered if there are global places that bring up happiness, similar to Blue Zones nurturing longevity. Buettner focused on people who rate themselves as very happy (at least 8 on a scale of 10). They also believe they'll be happier in the next five years, an optimistic condition researchers divulge as thriving. He details his discoveries in his new book entitled, Thrive: looking Happiness The Blue Zones Way.


"The Truth About Happiness," opens Thrive, highlighting findings from the new science of happiness experts. They write back questions, including, "Do we have any control over our happiness?" and "Can money buy happiness?" Buettner then begins his world journey to observe the secrets of happiness.

Denmark is a country of 5.5 million people, and one of the world's wealthiest nations per capita. Lifelong healthcare and education are free for all citizens; and the country touts a low unemployment rate of 4 percent.

Anyone earning ,000 a year or more pays approximately 60 percent of their revenue to taxes. Danes accept this arrangement, allowing most residents to live moderately, with itsybitsy disparity between the rich and poor. Danes believe in the coarse good; and frown upon status seekers.

Danes are trustworthy; believing in each other, as well as their government. It's not uncommon to find baby carriages (with infants in tow); parked outside pedestrian businesses while parents shop.

Thirty-seven-hour workweeks are standard, with 6 weeks of vacation time. Family gatherings are important. Summer finds Danes active outdoors, and conversing, as opposed to watching Tv. Winter's 17-hour darkened days allow Danes to originate candlelight events at home for relaxation.

Forty-mile-long, Asian island nation, Singapore, houses 5.1 million people. It's one of the highest people densities in the world, with 19,000 people squeezed vertically into every mile.

Singaporeans are workaholics, in race of the five C's: cash, reputation card, car, condominium, and club membership. Over the last 40 years, the wealth of the average Singaporean has multiplied 11times-the fastest increase of any economy in the world.

Residents willingly obey certain restrictions, like chewing gum and smoking, imposed by their paternalistic government, in replacement for greater security and opportunity.

Like Denmark, Singapore has a low unemployment rate, with itsybitsy differentiation between the rich and poor. Government owns 84 percent of the island properties.

Family ties are foremost and the government provides tax subsidies for those who care for their aging parents. Singaporeans trust the government, police force and other public officials; and they're grateful for the certain things in their lives.

Despite having one of the highest disparities between the rich and poor, Mexicans are happy people. They voice a equilibrium between manufacture a living and savoring life. They're able to laugh in the face of hardship, manufacture sickness, poverty and death more tolerable.

Family, condition and faith in God (98 percent of Mexicans believe in a higher power) are important. manufacture just adequate money suits Mexicans. They pursue simple contentment and count their blessings regularly. Being near the Equator, Mexico enjoys the sun bonus. Places with sunnier weather are slightly happier than their northern counterparts.

America's happiest people include inhabitants of San Luis Obispo, California. A college town of 44,000, California Polytech students comingle with mostly middle-aged residents. Placed halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco; the area ranks estimate one in the nation for allinclusive emotional health.

Visionary city planning in the 1960s, today finds the town flourishing colse to a central mission plaza, closed to traffic. A farmer's market, orchestra, and pedestrian shops are among the city's assets. This wealthy town embraces numerous nonprofit organizations and volunteerism.

Public condition and recreation are cultural gems. In 1990, San Luis Obispo was the first region in the world to place a ban on smoking in the workplace, including bars. Drive-thru restaurants too are relegated to the outskirts of town.

Thrive's penultimate chapter, "Lessons in Thriving," provides practical ways to boost your chance for happiness long term. Buettner forms them colse to six, interconnected Thrive Centers: Community, Workplace, public life, Financial life, Home and Self. Suggestions to make sure you marry the right person, join a club and grow a garden are among his insights.

Buettner concludes with a special Bonus chapter, entitled, "The Truth About Living Longer." It's excerpted from his book, The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the people Who've Lived the Longest.

Who doesn't want to lead a happier, more authentic existence? Read Thrive and observe new ways to be joyful throughout your lifetime.

Visit Buettner's Blue Zones; and observe your own True Happiness Compass, at http://www.bluezones.com.

Happiness: Thrive by Dan Buettner - Self Help Book reveal - Secrets of the World's Happiest habitancy

