วันพุธที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

The Black Box (A Harry Bosch Novel)

The Black Box (A Harry Bosch Novel) Review

Prices as of : Oct 31, 2012 22:00:04
Listprice : $27.99
Offier Price : $17.93
You Save : $10.06

The Black Box (A Harry Bosch Novel) Overview

In a case that spans 20 years, Harry Bosch links the bullet from a recent crime to a file from 1992, the killing of a young female photographer during the L.A. riots. Harry originally investigated the murder, but it was then handed off to the Riot Crimes Task Force and never solved.

Now Bosch's ballistics match indicates that her death was not random violence, but something more personal, and connected to a deeper intrigue. Like an investigator combing through the wreckage after a plane crash, Bosch searches for the "black box," the one piece of evidence that will pull the case together.

Riveting and relentlessly paced, THE BLACK BOX leads Harry Bosch, "one of the greats of crime fiction" (New York Daily News), into one of his most fraught and perilous cases.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 31, 2012 22:00:04

วันอังคารที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Disadvantages of E-books

Now, more and more people prefer e-books to customary ones, because it can save their time and money. However, with various e-books flooded in, more and more people are aware of the disadvantages of e-books.

The fact that, e-books require extra devices or personal computers can be looked as a disadvantage. Many e-books are typically produces to be compatible for definite software which in turn may be not admittedly available. Since e-books are dependent on other equipments, definite hardware or software failure may sway it. Unless the hardware, Internet relationship or battery power that is required by an e-book reader is easily available, then its electronic documents are useless. In addition, e-books depending on hardware and software and are more admittedly damaged than a printed book


E-book reading devices are admittedly more expensive than printed books. All devices of e-books require power. There is a growing concern that the e-books at gift may not be accessible or compatible to the future e-books software or devices.

Screen glare and eyestrain are a serious concern for many inherent users of e-book technology. A major worry of reading from an e-book reader could hurt the eyes. The display resolution of computer screens and electronic devices is considerably less than the print capability produced by a printing press.

Reading from a computer lacks the familiarity and ease of reading from a book. A paper book can be opened and flipped through, while an electronic text is more difficult to navigate.

E-books have unreliable life span. Paper has a much longer life span than most digital forms of storage. Because of the rapid improvement of new computer systems it is difficult to judge whether the software or hardware will come to be outdated. As new hardware is developed structures must be put into place to allow for the migration of existing materials to the new platforms so that they can still be accessed. Methods of preserving the electronic documents must also be developed. A high degree of reliability of the equipment must be part of the electronic devices that cope the replacements for printed books.

It can be hard to distinguish yourself from "almost anyone.' for approximately anyone can make an e-book. To make your book equivalent to a "real" book, you should find and value some e-book publishers before manufacture a deal. A flashy website does not guarantee a great publisher. Look at their e-books and see if yours fits in with that mix.

Disadvantages of E-books

The Preface: Share Your Inner Passion And Inspiration For great Book Sales

What Is The Purpose Of The Preface?

The book preface (Pref-iss, not Pre-face) is a short explanation about why you wrote your book. The book introduction, on the other hand, is all about the benefits the reader will get from reading your book. The preface is about you, and the introduction is about the reader. But never forget, both should be written by the book's author, and that both must show your passion and thereby make an emotional relationship with the reader. In divergence to the preface and introduction, the book's foreword is not written by the book's author. It is written by a guest author, commonly a man that is well know within a inescapable industry, that can bring third-party credibility to you, the book's author.


What Is The structure Of The Preface?

The preface discusses the story of how your book came into being, or how the idea for your book was industrialized by you, the author. In order to be a victorious marketing tool, it must be written to show your passion for the field matter, and your inspiration for writing the book. Here is your chance to infect the reader with your passion for the topic you have written about. Show the reader that you are a kindred spirit and have a passion in common. Here your aim is to make the readers empathize with you and recognize your genuineness in writing the book. riposte questions such as "How was the plan of the book born?"; "How did you think of writing the book?"; "What are you trying to accomplish by writing this book?"; "What are your qualifications to write this book?"; "What other books have you written?" The explanation to these questions can be autobiographical. You can tell the background, the context, and the circumstances in which brought you to write this book. The lowest line must be, "Why did you write this book?". Be very clear and honest about this. And always write in the first-person, and in a cordial manner. Also, use your own voice when writing this way, and speak directly to your audience.

How Do I Close The Preface?

The main body of the preface is followed by a statement of thanks and acknowledgments to population who were helpful to the author during the writing of the book. If the list of acknowledgements is too long, a separate section should be created just for the acknowledgements. Alternatively, some authors use both sections within the same book, and use the acknowledgements page for the most extra contributions - and the lesser contributors are kept in the preface.Another alternative that some authors use it to join the preface and the introduction into one section and label it as the introduction. And finally, the book preface is signed by the book's author, along with the date and place of writing. Fini.

The Preface: Share Your Inner Passion And Inspiration For great Book Sales

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

10 Book record project Ideas

Making a book narrative can be straightforward but arrival up with a good new creating unique way to gift your book narrative can be challenging.

Here are 10 book narrative task ideas to pick from.


1. Make a small version of your book or a mini-book. Make sure to originate illustrations and pictures from the book of the time lines in the book.

2. Show the similarities and differences between two books like a fiction and a nonfiction book. Make sure they are the same topic.

3. originate a trivia game and ask questions about the people in the book.

4. You can do answers about the main topics in the book and do a presentation giving the questions.

5. Do a crossword and word search about things from the book. This is de facto fun.

6. Make a top 10 reasons to read this book list and start with #10 and work up to the #1 intuit to read the book.

7. originate a power point presentation on the book and use a projector and laptop to present.

8. Make a bulletin board about your book. Cut out pictures you draw and thumb tack them to the board or tape them up there. Write up articles that look like a newspaper narrative stating a highlight or intelligent storyline from the book and cut out and paste to the bulletin board.

9. You can dress up as the character in the book and read a passage. This is great if the book is scary and you can dress up with a long gown and cape and use a lot of vigor and excitement in reading the book.

10. Do you have any other suggesting readings? Do this book narrative based on all the good book reads that are similar and should not be missed.

With all these ideas you can de facto originate a unique book narrative just personalized to you and your style.

10 Book record project Ideas

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Book Writing - Page Count and part length

Regardless of genre, there is no hard and fast rule about how many pages or words each part should include or how many chapters should be in a book. However, there are some normal guidelines in this article that may help you decide the page count and part length needed for your book.

Pages in a Chapter:


Many population read in spurts, at lunch time, or on the subway to work, readers enjoy chapters that can be concluded in ten to fifteen minutes.

I try to set my part lengths by how long it takes me to read the material. If it goes past fifteen minutes, I may decide to divide a part in half and make two chapters out of it. Take into notice that I write mostly non-fiction.

As you probably know, there's a divergence in the way fiction and non-fiction are handled. In a fiction book, writers use shorter chapters. Some are only one page if that is all it takes to catch the reader up on the operation of other characters in other scenes. When writing non-fiction, your part content needs to be definite to your chapter's heading or title.

Twenty pages per part is a good rule of thumb, but the most leading thing is to include everything that relates to a particular topic in one chapter. For example, if your book is about fishing, you want to include the bulk of your facts about fly casting in one chapter. All your info about bait and lure would be in another chapter.

Chapters/Pages in a Book:

These guidelines should give you a normal idea of how to decide the length of your chapters and your book.

If your book is titled "The Accuracy of the Us Census" you may have 52 chapters (one on each state). If your book is titled "Ten Tips for Marketing" you may have only ten chapters. There's no rule about how many chapters a book can or must have.

In order to be thought about a book rather than a pamphlet or booklet, a book needs to be at least 10,000 words. If your book has more than 475 pages, you might want to consider producing it in two volumes.

Because you will submit your manuscript as an 8.5" x 11" word-processing document, you cannot be obvious of its final length until after your publisher formats it for print. I have found that 250-300 words will approximate one page of 12-point font text in a acceptable size (5.5"x8" or 6"x9") perfect-bound book.

Book Writing - Page Count and part length

วันเสาร์ที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

To Kill a Mockingbird - A Book delineate

The novel To Kill A Mockingbird revolves colse to a young girl named Jean Louise Finch who goes by the nicknamed "Scout". Scout experiences dissimilar events in her life that dramatically change her life. Scout and her brother Jem are being raised by their father, a lawyer named Atticus and a housekeeper named Calpumia in a small town in the south. At this point in time in the South racism and discriminations towards black was a big issue . The story begins when Scout is 6 years old, and her brother is about to enter the 5th grade. That summer Scout and her brother meet a young boy named Dill who comes from Mississippi to spend the summers there. They become fascinated with a man named "Boo" Radley, a man in his thirties who has not been seen exterior of his home in years, mainly because of his suppressed upbringing. They have an impression of Mr. Radley as being this large ugly and evil man. Then comes the trial. Scout's father becomes a defense attorney for a black man, Tom Robinson, who is falsely accused of raping a white women. This has a big affect on Scout. During this trial she gets teased by friends because her father was helping this black man. Scout starts to see the racism that exist. During the trial Scout and her brother and close friend Dill scrutinize the trial. Even though they are young they can see that Mr. Robinson is innocent. Even though Mr. Robinson's innocence was clear even in the eyes of kids, Mr. Robinson was still found guilty. Later in an attempt to escape, Mr. Robinson is shot dead. Scout is highly disappointed at the verdict and even more at the death of Mr. Robinson and realizes the injustice that exist. Later in a cowardly attempt by the alleged rape victims father, tries to kill Scout and her brother in order to get even with her father for manufacture him look back in court. This is when Mr.Radley makes an appearance again an stabs their attacker. Even though Mr. Radley kills a man he is not tried for murder because he was defending the Scout and her brother. Ultimately some justice. This gives Scout some hope that is a opportunity for revising in this unjust world.

(Discussion of main themes in To Kill A Mockingbird)


There are many dissimilar themes present in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The first theme which I will discuss is "Prejudice". The whole story revolved colse to the prejudice views of this Southern community. The whole reason why the trial was going on was because of citizen views towards blacks in the south. Since the alleged rape victim's father has such a prejudice view towards black, he is embarrassed that his daughter was verily flirting with a black man. To combat this he falsely accuses the innocent Mr. Robinson of rape. If it wasn't for the prejudice view which existed in the south the accusation would had never been brought against Mr. Robinson. These prejudice views in the south created a double appropriate of justice. With all the negative points that can be found in the story in respect to prejudice, there was a entertaining spot when it came to the prejudice issue. This "ray of light" came in the form of Scout's father Atticus. Atticus represented hope. Hope that good citizen still exist. Even in a society filled with hate. Atticus represented the hope that one day things can change

The "Prejudice" theme also ties in well with the title of the book "To Kill A Mocking Bird." In part 10, Scout and Jem Finch get air rifles for Christmas. Scouts father tells her and her brother that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird because mockingbirds are inoffensive creatures who do nothing but sing for our enjoyment. In the story To Kill a Mockingbird Mr. Robinson is clearly the "Mocking Bird". He is a good man who has never harmed whatever and is figuratively and verily shot by society because of prejudice. The jurors sentence him to death not because he did whatever wrong but because of prejudice. He is then later shot for trying to flee this unjust ruling. Mr. Robinson just like a mockingbird is shot for no reason at all.

The second theme which I will discuss is "coming of age". The "Coming of age" theme basically entails a character who evolves to a new level of self awareness straight through his or her experiences in life. This is clearly the case with Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird. An example of Scout's "coming of age" can be seen when she meets her friend Dill. Dill comes from a broken home and lives somewhere beyond Alabama. Scout who comes from a good home is awaken to the dissimilar quality of life that exist and is able to come to a end that life exist beyond the world she knows. straight through these experiences she grows more tolerant of others, learning how to "climb into someone else person's skin and walk colse to in it." On her first day of school she finds that just like with Dill there are both public and poor classes in society, some are respectable and others not. She also learns that her father is an extra-ordinary man, fighting for a Negro's possession in court. During the trial of Tom Robinson Scout learns about equality and inequality and Ultimately about racial prejudice. By the final chapters of the novel, Scout goes to someone else "coming of age experience." She learns that good citizen can still suffer injustice. She realizes this when she see's Tom Robinson suffer injustice even though they did nothing to deserve it. She scrutinize that the courts does not all the time result in justice. In the end after all of Scout's experiences and discoveries we get the sense that she will not result the prejudice views which her society upholds. In the end Scout had matured and grown more as a kid, than many adults will do in there lifetime.

The third and final theme which I will discuss is "Justice". In the story To Kill a Mockingbird I feel,the author, Ms. Lee portrays true justice as being best seen straight through the eyes of the innocent. In the story Scout and her brother, being the innocent,can clearly see the injustice being done to Mr. Robinson. In contrary to Scout and her brother other citizen in society more specifically the older citizen in the town, the citizen who have lived straight through dissimilar experiences, become blinded when it comes to true justice. Or maybe they are not blinded but just choose to ignore it. This is clearly seen when they sentence an innocent man to death. This ignorance of justice can be blamed on the prejudice views which are present and ultimately instilled in society in the south. So I feel that Harper Lee is connecting justice with innocence to a safe bet extent. In my view Harper Lee portrays justice as being verily detected. The reason I say this is even the young justice. The qoute is society can instill beliefs that can act as a veil and blind the citizen from justice. The only way to find this veil is straight through citizen like Atticus who can pass his morality and nobility to the young and the "blinded"

(Would I suggest this book?)

I would without fail suggest citizen to read the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I found it to be an entertaining and superior book. I feel the book does a great job in portraying the ultimate prejudice that existed in the south at that time. I feel this book makes a superior statement on how justice can be altered straight through racism. I also think that the themes found in the book are themes which can still be found in our current society and that makes it the more interesting. You can even make a case that prejudice still has an result in our legal system today. So if you are finding for a superior book of "coming of age" and the battle for justice I would highly suggest To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

To Kill a Mockingbird - A Book delineate

Book ''Hercolubus Or Red Planet''

The author V M Rabolu (1926-2000) was born in Tolima, Colombia. While long years of esoterical practices he slowly developed remarkable mystical capabilities that allowed him to deeply explore first-rate dimensions of nature and the cosmos. Thus he became a devotee and a spiritual guide illustrious worldwide.

Aware of the future that is before us, the life of this adept of Occult Knowledge was all the time devoted to teaching humanity the formulas for spiritual regeneration. Shortly before his death, he wrote the book Hercolubus or Red Planet with the purpose of warning about the advent dangers. He said indeed, "I stand by what I have written in this book because I know it to be true. I am sure about what I say because I have investigated fully with my astral body, which allows me to know about everything in great detail".


V M Rabolu was one of those unusual population of Awakened Consciousness some of whom live among us and whose mission is to show the path of self-knowledge. This task is especially needed in these times when materialism and lack of real values are the distinctive signs of a stray society.

In this small book ''Hercolubus or Red Planet'', V M Rabolu describes with remarkable clarity several issues of current importance, from the controversial nuclear tests in the ocean and their harmful consequences to the much-discussed existence of conscious beings on other planets in the Universe.

Similarly, he confirms with a direct and revealing language the existence of a huge planet six times bigger than Jupiter called Hercolubus or Red Planet, which is silently and dangerously approaching Earth. The author explains in his work not only the consequences of the closeness of Hercolubus but also the true cause of climatic changes and the great geological action that is taking place deep down on the seabed, the result of which we are already experiencing with the new tsunami.

Based on his direct and conscious experience, V M Rabolu shows in his book techniques to eliminate our psychological defects and tools for Astral angle as the only real ways to fly the forthcoming cataclysm.

Hercolubus or Red Planet is a unique book, a map showing a way, a path for all those who truly want to change and whose heart keeps a spiritual yearning. In that manner it is recognised by readers in more than fifty countries, and the book has been translated into over thirty distinct languages.

Without doubt the affirmations contained in this book will draw the attentiveness of humanity as the events described will slowly happen.

You can be sure that this could be the most foremost book you will ever read.

Book ''Hercolubus Or Red Planet''

วันศุกร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

WHY MEN ARE FROM EARTH AND WOMEN ARE NOT FROM VENUS; A Romantic Comedy for Understanding the Alpha Male

WHY MEN ARE FROM EARTH AND WOMEN ARE NOT FROM VENUS; A Romantic Comedy for Understanding the Alpha Male Review

Prices as of : Oct 26, 2012 11:30:05
Listprice :
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WHY MEN ARE FROM EARTH AND WOMEN ARE NOT FROM VENUS; A Romantic Comedy for Understanding the Alpha Male Overview

Do you feel that it would be advantageous to understand what your "significant other" is thinking? There have been numerous books written by authors such as John Gray, Neil Strauss, Sherry Argov, and Steve Harvey, about the differences between men and women in relationships, however, the romantic comedy "Why Men are from Earth and Women Are Not From Venus; A Romantic Comedy for Understanding the Alpha Male" gives a fresh perspective into the inner workings of the modern relationship. Filled with hilarious real-life scenarios, this indispensable relationship guide lets women see inside the alpha male mind set.

Women will no longer have to turn to their female friends to ask what their alpha male partner is thinking (which, if you think about it, is probably not the best strategy), and men can have a good laugh at the expense of the author as he details all of the "mistakes" he has made in the personal relationship with his wife.

Full of advice, important topics such as:

-Money, and
-Effective Communication

are discussed in a humours manner that is engaging for any man or women who wants to understand how the alpha male thinks when it comes to relationships, intimacy, romance, and love. Grab a copy today of this romance book that is a must have for the dating and married couple alike.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 26, 2012 11:30:05

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

What is the Used Car Blue Book Value of My Car?

The Kelley Blue Book is one of the oldest associates around for determining the value of your used vehicle. Unfortunately, with the ever-changing store today the used car blue book value that you are getting may not be accurate.

The Kelley Blue Book determines the value of a car by:


Current store conditions and seasonality.Analyzing collected data from auction houses around the country.Make, model and year of the vehicle.Mileage, health of the used car and other options are also carefully in determining the value.

The used car blue book value is only a guideline and a good place to begin when trying to decide the value of a vehicle.

What The Books Don't Tell You.

Supply and interrogate is a major factor in determining values. If an area has an plentifulness of Jeep Liberty's, then the price will decrease on these vehicles. The books don't take this into account.

The real value of your car is carefully by what person will pay for your car today. With the high interrogate of used cars these days, prices can vary from day to day. None of the books will reflect this change.

The used car Blue Book value, and other books, ordinarily gives you above average, average and below average values of your vehicle. Unfortunately, your plan and the Dealers plan may be totally different on how they see the value of your vehicle.

Today it takes the keen eye of an experienced appraiser, who is well-known with the store conditions to decide the real value of your vehicle. I have never seen a book do this.

Why do the Kelley Blue Book, Edmond's and the N.A.D.A. Book tell you your car is worth more than what it is?

A concentrate of reasons for this are:

These websites make their money from selling advertisements.

A higher price means more visitors - more income!

None of these sites are in the store of buying used vehicles and they will never write you a check for what they say the value of your car is worth.

Use the Internet and these resources as a place to begin in determining the value of your vehicle. Don't get fooled into believing they are absolute values for your trade. They are only a guideline.

What is the Used Car Blue Book Value of My Car?

How to Write a Book Using a easy Template

There are many strategies to writing a book. You can sit down at your desk and just begin writing. This works well for very few habitancy because at some point in the writing process - you could be halfway straight through the book before this happens - you are going to hit a roadblock and not know how to continue. Worse, you can lose track of your focus quite certainly and go off on tangents that have certainly no relevance with the rest of the episode you are working on.

Another frequent writing advent is to jot down a few ideas, maybe even a list of chapters and their branch matter and to start writing. This can certainly be worse than writing without any buildings because you end up with very large chapters of more than 50 pages and then highly small chapters of only a merge pages. That does not make sense and it does not ensue in a book that reads or flows well.


A good way to write your book, albeit still not the easiest way, is to draft an outline. I know, an shape feels too structured for many writers. Please bear with me. Writing an outline, a detailed outline, will not only help you construct your thoughts in a clear and brief manner, it will originate a good book. Your book, when organized in an shape will be balanced. You would not have 50 page chapters and 5 page chapters, you will have equal chapters, they will all have a point, and you would not be as likely to go off on tangents.

Additionally, when you use an outline, your book will be written faster because you can advent it in a systematic way.

Now we are going to talk about the easiest advent to writing a book using a template or blueprint. The incommunicable to this is that you are going to originate much of the blueprint yourself. Why? Because only you know exactly what needs to be contained in your book. Here is the template part ready?

Remember the shape that we discussed? Go ahead and write that shape but make sure you have 1 episode for every 10 pages of content. This means if you have a section you think will take 20 pages; find a way to break it into two parts. Now originate 20 chapters if you want a 200 page book, 30 episode titles if you want a 300 page book and so on. There is more...

Under each episode title, you will want to originate 10 points you want to express in your chapter. Each point will cover roughly one page, maybe a little more and maybe a little less but you will end up with 10 pages for each chapter.

Why does this work? It gives you a clear buildings to write, so when you are not feeling up to it you certainly do not have any excuse to not get at least one page done. It also makes it certainly easy to write your book. plainly turn each point into a question, sit down and rejoinder it. You will have your page written in less than five minutes... Really! This means that if it takes you 5 minutes to write a page, you could write a episode each day, right? That would mean you could have your 20 episode book, your 200 page book, written in 20 days. Now that is fast and that is why using a template works so well.

How to Write a Book Using a easy Template

วันพุธที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Coveted Bride: The Ozark Durham Series (Volume 3)

Coveted Bride: The Ozark Durham Series (Volume 3) Review

Prices as of : Oct 24, 2012 09:30:09
Listprice : $11.95
Offier Price : $11.95
You Save :

Coveted Bride: The Ozark Durham Series (Volume 3) Overview

Do arranged marriages still happen? For Lindsey Buchannan, yes. Everything was kept in her husband's name, giving him full control of all they owned. And upon his death-bed, he exposes his plan for his family's future. Lindsey has two months to marry Keaton Durham or a charity will inherit their trusts and home. Determined to make it on her own, Lindsey rejects the idea immediately. But when a drug-addicted family member threatens her children for the sake of money, it's Keaton she continually turns to. Would it be so wrong to fall in love with the alluring man?

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 24, 2012 09:30:09

วันอังคารที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

The slave - A Book summary

In order to lead, you must serve. This is the solid
premise of the book "The Servant" by James C. Hunter.
It is discussed straight through the tale of John Daily, a
business administrative who starts to lose his grip as boss,
husband, father, and coach. He was talked into going
on a week-long stepping back at a Benedictine Monastery to re-center and find his balance. While the retreat, a
former Wall street legend turned monk shows
him a dissimilar perspective on leadership - slave leadership.

The Ten Attributes of Love and Leadership
The book enumerated the following as the qualities of
a slave leader. Incidentally, these are also the
attributes of love, which was defined earlier as one's behavior towards others.


1. Sick person - showing self-control.

2. Kind - giving attention, appreciation, and

3. Humble - being authentic without pretense or

4. Respectful - treating others as leading people.

5. Selfless - meeting the needs of others.

6. Forgiving - giving up resentment when wronged.

7. Honest - being free from deception.

8. Committed - sticking to your choices.

All these behaviors will entail you to serve and
sacrifice for others. This would mean setting aside
your own wants and needs to focus on the legitimate
needs of others.

You need to realize that success does not only come
from hard work and appropriately playing the part.
To be prosperous in enterprise and in your career, you
must be able to distinguish yourself from the rest
of the pack - you need to develop, build and defend
your reputation.

The Law of the Harvest

Remember: you reap what you sow. For authority or
influence to flourish, the right environment must be
provided and a nurturing behavior must be present. In
a garden, the soil, the sun, the water, the fertilizer,
and the care given by the gardener all make up the
environment under which the plant will grow and mature.
The one thing that you are not sure of, however, is
when the flowers will actually bloom. Bear in mind
that work on is not a magical beanstalk that will
sprout overnight; rather, it is
something that grows in time.

The Rewards of leading with Authority

Leading with authority enables you to have a personal
mission statement: to serve the citizen you lead, to
listen to their needs, to give praise and recognition,
to show kindness, and to be honest, among other things.
When slave leadership becomes your ethos in life,
people would be lining up to join your cause.

By serving others and loving your neighbors, you are
keeping in line with the doctrines of the Church as
well as other religions. You mature psychologically
and spiritually, which is essentially the end goal of
the individual's journey straight through life.

While the above payoffs are well and good, the most
important recompense of all is the joy you will caress
when you put others first and free yourself from the
chains of self-centeredness. As a certain Dr. Albert
Schweitzer wisely puts it, "I don't know what your
destiny will be, but one thing I do know. The only ones
among you who will be actually happy are those who will
have sought and found how to serve."

About the Author:

James Hunter is the author of the internationally
best-selling book The Servant, subtitled A easy Story
About the True Essence of Leadership. Now translated
into nine (9) languages, The slave teaches the time
less theory of slave Leadership and is the text
used in many Mba and other higher study curriculum
around the world.

The slave - A Book summary

Maid in the USA: The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series (Volume 2)

Maid in the USA: The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series (Volume 2) Review

Prices as of : Oct 23, 2012 06:15:06
Listprice : $9.99
Offier Price : $9.99
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Maid in the USA: The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series (Volume 2) Overview

WHO EVER SAID BILLIONAIRE BACHELORS AND MODEST MAIDS DON'T MIX? Celine Santini couldn't have been more shocked when billionaire bachelor Pierce D'Amato offers her a job as nanny to his four-year-old charge. After all, he hardly even knows her. But after finding herself thrown into an unexpectedly intimate encounter with him, are they really strangers? Celine is captivated by the green-eyed heartthrob who takes her heart ransom but how can she give in to her feelings when they're from two totally different worlds? From the first day he lays eyes on the dark-eyed beauty, Pierce D'Amato knows he is lost. He immediately devises a plan to get her under his roof...and it works. But the more he gets to know the sweetly seductive Celine Santini the more he realizes there's a lot more to this woman than he could ever have imagined. Her intriguing combination of sophistication and innocence keeps him forever off-balance and, before he knows it, his bachelor heart turns traitor. The heart knows what the heart wants and it wants Celine Santini...whatever the cost. A thrilling romance with twists and turns that will keep you turning the pages...

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 23, 2012 06:15:06

วันจันทร์ที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Back to Blood: A Novel

Back to Blood: A Novel Review

Prices as of : Oct 22, 2012 13:45:10
Listprice : $30.00
Offier Price : $16.51
You Save : $13.49

Back to Blood: A Novel Overview

A big, panoramic story of the new America, as told by our master chronicler of the way we live now.

As a police launch speeds across Miami's Biscayne Bay-with officer Nestor Camacho on board-Tom Wolfe is off and running. Into the feverous landscape of the city, he introduces the Cuban mayor, the black police chief, a wanna-go-muckraking young journalist and his Yale-marinated editor; an Anglo sex-addiction psychiatrist and his Latina nurse by day, loin lock by night-until lately, the love of Nestor's life; a refined, and oh-so-light-skinned young woman from Haiti and her Creole-spouting, black-gang-banger-stylin' little brother; a billionaire porn addict, crack dealers in the 'hoods, "de-skilled" conceptual artists at the Miami Art Basel Fair, "spectators" at the annual Biscayne Bay regatta looking only for that night's orgy, yenta-heavy ex-New Yorkers at an "Active Adult" condo, and a nest of shady Russians. Based on the same sort of detailed, on-scene, high-energy reporting that powered Tom Wolfe's previous bestselling novels, BACK TO BLOOD is another brilliant, spot-on, scrupulous, and often hilarious reckoning with our times.

Back to Blood: A Novel Specifications

A writer like Tom Wolfe probably shouldn’t have to stage a comeback, but there will doubtless be reviewers of his new novel, Back to Blood, who describe it that way. In Wolfe's career of great books, his last novel, published in 2004, was considered by many to be a stumble--but Back to Blood is a return to form, a work that solidifies Wolfe’s stature as one of the best. Using his incisive journalistic skills, his flair for the cinematic moment, and his laugh-out-loud sense of humor, Wolfe takes the disparate types in and around Miami to create a tapestry of memorable scenes and characters. The result is entertaining, revealing, and perhaps even bigger than the sum of its parts. This is a book that will do for Miami what Wolfe's mega-hit The Bonfire of the Vanities did for New York. --Chris Schluep

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 22, 2012 13:45:10

วันเสาร์ที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Calculated Loss (Madeline Carter Novels)

Calculated Loss (Madeline Carter Novels) Review

Prices as of : Oct 20, 2012 09:30:04
Listprice : $6.99
Offier Price :
You Save :

Calculated Loss (Madeline Carter Novels) Overview

High finance and haute cuisine . . . a recipe for murder

It's been years since former stockbroker Madeline Carter bothered thinking about her gastronomically gifted ex-husband, Chef Braydon Gauthier. Between quitting her soul-sucking career and discovering what life is like during daylight hours she's been kind of busy. But when Madeline learns Braydon took his own life, she drops everything and hightails it to the funeral.

It doesn't take long to realize Braydon's death is more murder than suicide. Madeline knows her ex would never have prepared himself a poison-laced dinner of duck a l'orange -- let alone pair it with a big, beefy Shiraz! The culinary star would have eaten fast food first.

So who's responsible? Madeline definitely has her suspicions, but one thing's clear: in the pressure-cooker world of high cuisine and higher stakes, a reputation is worth killing for.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 20, 2012 09:30:04

วันศุกร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Cold Days: A Novel of the Dresden Files

Cold Days: A Novel of the Dresden Files Review

Prices as of : Oct 19, 2012 14:45:08
Listprice : $27.95
Offier Price : $16.77
You Save : $11.18

Cold Days: A Novel of the Dresden Files Overview

After being murdered by a mystery assailant, navigating his way through the realm between life and death, and being brought back to the mortal world, Harry realizes that maybe death wasn’t all that bad. Because he is no longer Harry Dresden, Chicago’s only professional wizard.

He is now Harry Dresden, Winter Knight to Mab, the Queen of Air and Darkness. After Harry had no choice but to swear his fealty, Mab wasn’t about to let something as petty as death steal away the prize she had sought for so long. And now, her word is his command, no matter what she wants him to do, no matter where she wants him to go, and no matter who she wants him to kill.

Guess which Mab wants first?
Of course, it won’t be an ordinary, everyday assassination. Mab wants her newest minion to pull off the impossible: kill an immortal. No problem there, right? And to make matters worse, there exists a growing threat to an unfathomable source of magic that could land Harry in the sort of trouble that will make death look like a holiday.

Beset by enemies new and old, Harry must gather his friends and allies, prevent the annihilation of countless innocents, and find a way out of his eternal subservience before his newfound powers claim the only thing he has left to call his own…His soul.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 19, 2012 14:45:08

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

How Many Pages Should Your Book Be?

If you talk to a original publisher or an old publishing pro, whatever less than 260 pages isn't a book-- it's a pamphlet. You are talking 70-80,000 words. My book on faith (ready for editing) is only 45,000 words. That's about 180 pages in a 6 X 9 book. One of the largest Christian book publishers told a friend of mine, his research showed the midpoint reader likes a book to be about 150 pages. He called her personally and asked to republish her fairly victorious self-published book. She is now a recognized author of a major publishing company.

If your proposed book is 600 pages, I would propose very few people will want to read it. Instruction tomes are large but have a exact audience: students and educators. Bottom line: people want a book they can carry in a purse or portfolio so they can read it at lunch. They also want a book that gets to the point and won't take them weeks to read. I know what you're going to say. "What about Harry Potter?" A great novel can have lots of pages and people will buy and read it. Non-fiction is a diminutive different. We daily non-fiction authors should keep it short and sweet. If it's a great book, your next one can be bigger. Your fans will examine it.


Being a bottom-liner, I like a book to get to the point and make it. I have read books that were needlessly long. It was distinct the author wrote a lot of fluf to make the book bigger, perhaps in an attempt to satisfy a original publisher. I have friends who brag about how big their is going to be. I don't have the heart to tell them no one will want to buy it, much less read it. If you, as an author, have something to say, it shouldn't take forever to say it. But that's just me. Book writing is like telling time. If someone asks, just tell them what time it is. Don't elucidate how to make a watch.

How Many Pages Should Your Book Be?

วันพุธที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

The Best Way to publish Your First Book

People ask me all the time, "Is it great to try to find a original publisher or to self-publish?"

My rejoinder is always, "It depends." It depends on your goals, your resources, your book idea, the marketplace. There are many factors to consider.


Nevertheless, there are some good reasons to think self-publishing first.

1. It's very, very difficult for a first-time author to get published these days by a legacy, or traditional, publisher. Ironically, part of the think for this is admittedly because the current technology makes it so easy to publish! There are so many books out there, the bookstore shelves are overcrowded (and that distribution mode is so flawed-but don't get me started on that!). Publishers are more and more wary of publishing unproven authors.

I don't blame them. I've been on the "inside" of publishing adequate to sympathize with their side of it. It's very expensive to produce, publicize, and distribute a book-especially given the very flawed bookstore distribution model. (Oops! I couldn't help that one.) behalf margins are often razor thin. Publishers put out maybe -30,000 to produce a book, and they never know which books will make that back.

In fact, 85 percent of all books published don't even "sell through" adequate to pay back their advances! I'm often amazed that publishing remains an industry (especially given the very flawed company model from which they operate-uh-oh, here I go again).

2. You may make more money-at least per book. When your book is published by a original publisher, you may get an progress against royalties. It's increasingly true, however, that advances for first-time authors are pretty paltry-not much more than 00. In fact, advances are shrinking. I just heard one publishing expert report that the most tasteless progress these days is ! Nothing.

Even if you do get an advance, remember that most books don't even earn out their advance, and that it's an progress against (future) royalties. Typical royalty: 7-10 percent of net, which means after the bookstores or other distributors get their discount (typically 45 percent). Let's do the math. A book that sells for .95 has a (discounted) base price of .97 (45% discount means you net 65 percent of list price). Of that, you get your 7.5 percent royalty (typical paperback royalty-hard cover is almost unheard-of for a new author). Now you're down to 97 cents per book sold. Out of that comes, off the top, 15 percent to the agent (if you had one). So your net royalty per book is a whopping 82.7 cents per book.

Now, if you can produce the book for , and it's something you can admittedly sell for .95, you will net .95 per book if you self-publish and sell it yourself. The tricky thing, of course, is to make sure your yield costs will not exceed the price you can admittedly sell the book for. The issue with a lot of "publishers" such as lulu.com is that you can admittedly price yourself out of the market. You have to be very meticulous and very realistic about what the shop is used to paying for your kind of book.

The other trick is to make sure you have an audience, or can build an audience, for your self-published book. If you can speak and sell it from the back of the room, this can be very effective. If you already have some kind of platform, some kind of audience, you can learn Internet marketing strategies and sell it online. The Web is becoming increasingly productive for promoting and selling books, which is why I'm so encouraged about publishing these days.

3. You get published quicker. A patrimony publisher may take 9-18 months to produce your book, once they get your manuscript. It might only take you half that time to do it yourself. You reap the rewards quicker if you self-publish.

What are those rewards? Publishing a book positions you as an expert, like almost nothing else. According to Kevin Hogan, author of The Science of Influence, nothing boosts your credibility and expertise in the mind of the group like your own printed book. An industrialized degree is admittedly second to having published a book. You can build on your expertise before, during, and after you write the book, and reap the rewards of being a published author quicker.

Once your book is published, and you begin to promote it, you will make connections you can't dream now. Doors will open to you. When you're perceived as an expert, population coming you; you don't have to work as hard to go out to find them. You can charge higher fees for your services, products, speaking-whatever it is your book supports.

Then there's the incomparable pleasure of hearing man say, "Your book changed my life...."

You might as well begin to reap these rewards sooner than later!

4. As you learn the ropes of promotion, you can attract a patrimony publisher. One who will then be willing to pay you a larger progress than they would earlier. You will have to learn how to promote your own books anyway, no matter how you release initially. If you successfully promote your self-published book, and build a big audience, it's likely a patrimony publisher will coming you.

This is another corollary of the self-publishing phenomenon. Increasingly, publishers are finding for successful self-published books to take on. It's only good business. You (or perhaps a smaller publisher) has taken the preliminary risk, and you've proven you know how to promote your book. The risk is much less for them.

Your advantage to being picked up at that point by a patrimony publisher is that they will give you wider distribution (i.e., in bookstores and chains and other retail outlets), and you may well get a decent advance. (At that point, you will be in a position to know either you want to sacrifice income for the greater distribution and having them pick up the hassles of producing, warehousing, and distributing the books. You may conclude you'd rather keep it self-published.)

If you are picked up by a original publisher, you can still sell your book and build your platform while they are producing your book. You can typically keep selling your book up to 60 or 90 days before your new book is published. Then, of course, the publisher will want to be able to sell the new edition, and you will have to retire your preliminary edition. (Often, this will comprise complementary materials-beware! For more on that, see the article, "Know Your Author Rights.")

I predict that more and more patrimony publishers will look for successful self-published authors. They'd be foolish not to.

5. You're more likely to work hard to get your return on speculation if it comes out of your own pocket. Isn't this human nature? Don't you think you'd work harder to recoup 00 from your book if it's your own money invested? And this motivation may be just what you need to weighty you to success.

Ultimately, you are the one who will have to promote and sell your book, no matter how you publish. Always, always remember that. You are your book's own best advocate. Writing is only a piece of the picture. The real work comes later, in promoting it and making sure your speculation of time, energy, and money yields a return.

But that's where the fun begins.

The Best Way to publish Your First Book

วันอังคารที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Dawn (Xenogenesis, Bk. 1)

Dawn (Xenogenesis, Bk. 1) Review

Prices as of : Oct 16, 2012 10:00:04
Listprice : $17.99
Offier Price : $17.99
You Save :

Dawn (Xenogenesis, Bk. 1) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780446603775
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

Dawn (Xenogenesis, Bk. 1) Overview

Lilith lyapo awoke from a centuries-long sleep to find herself aboard the vast spaceship of the Oankali. Creatures covered in writhing tentacles, the Oankali had saved every surviving human from a dying, ruined Earth. They healed the planet, cured cancer, increased strength, and were now ready to help Lilith lead her people back to Earth--but for a price.

Dawn (Xenogenesis, Bk. 1) Specifications

In a world devastated by nuclear war with humanity on the edge of extinction, aliens finally make contact. They rescue those humans they can, keeping most survivors in suspended animation while the aliens begin the slow process of rehabilitating the planet. When Lilith Iyapo is "awakened," she finds that she has been chosen to revive her fellow humans in small groups by first preparing them to meet the utterly terrifying aliens, then training them to survive on the wilderness that the planet has become. But the aliens cannot help humanity without altering it forever. Bonded to the aliens in ways no human has ever known, Lilith tries to fight them even as her own species comes to fear and loathe her. A stunning story of invasion and alien contact by one of science fiction's finest writers.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 16, 2012 10:00:04

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Sleeping Tigers

Sleeping Tigers Review

Prices as of : Oct 15, 2012 12:45:04
Listprice : $10.99
Offier Price : $9.89
You Save : $1.1

Sleeping Tigers Overview

2011 BOOK OF THE YEAR FINALIST, ForeWord Reviews 
Jordan O'Malley has everything she ever wanted: a job she loves, a beautiful home, and a dependable boyfriend. When her life unravels after a breast cancer scare, Jordan decides to join her wildest childhood friend in San Francisco and track down her drifter brother, Cam, who harbors secrets of his own. When Cam suddenly flees the country, Jordan follows, determined to bring him home. Her journey takes her to the farthest reaches of majestic Nepal, where she encounters tests--and truths--about love and family that she never could have imagined. Funny, heartbreaking, and suspenseful, Sleeping Tigers reminds us all that sometimes it's better to follow your heart instead of a plan.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 15, 2012 12:45:04

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Phone Book For Cell Phone Numbers

Is there a phone book for cell phone numbers? Not as such, but there Are reverse phone book lookup services to help you find the exact information regarding any singular phone whole that calls you. This information may contain such things as:

1. Phone owner name
2. Owner address
3. Owner's other phone numbers
4. Owner's probable relations
5. Owner's potential neighbors
6. Other locations where the owner has lived


While there may not be a phone book for cell phone numbers, there are many reverse phone lookup directories accessible online. Some are free of fee while others offer their services for miniature fees. The free assistance providers are miniature to providing information only on land lines.

The paid reverse phone book lookup sites furnish information about cell phones, in increasing to land lines. You can also find cut off numbers, unlisted numbers, toll free numbers, and pager numbers. The finest cell phone directory will make sure they have the information that you are searching for before they prompt you to pay, and will also keep your searching parameter a secret. You can use these systems for distinct purposes which range from locating long lost friends and connections to monitoring who your child is calling.

Reverse Phone Detective stands out as having one of the most unblemished and exact reverse phone book look up databases on the Internet. Just run a few Google searches and you will find out they are often the top-ranked reversed cell phone site online. This site has been trusted by law enforcements and private investigators since 1999 and you can use it with confidence, too.

Just clicking on the "beyond cell phone" link to start a search. You only pay for what you want, when you want it, which makes it much more convenient over subscription-based sites.

For beginners, you will want to look for unfamiliar or suspicious phone whole that make many appearances in their your call list or call history. You are going to write these numbers down just in case you accidentally delete them. When you search, be sure that you contain the areas code, as this information is leading for the success of your investigations. While we still don't have a phone book for cell phone numbers, a reverse phone book lookup is a assistance you can use in seconds and get a full record online of the information you need

Phone Book For Cell Phone Numbers

Book Values For excellent Cars

Do you possess a vintage car? Do you have excellent cars hanging colse to in your garage? If you do, then this record is for you. All the time remember that, you need to know how much the value of your car is. You might need to sell or trade your car in months time. The best thing to do is to do an evaluation for your excellent car. Book values for excellent cars differ and there are things to reconsider such as the car maker, years, health of the car and the engine.

Book values for excellent cars indubitably differ agreeing to the ones I indicated in my previous statement. The pricing of a excellent car would vary on the kind of excellent car you own like if its a collectible car, a extra interest car, an exotic car, a excellent truck or van or Suv, a muscle car, a sports car, a luxury car or a excellent passenger car. As they say, the older the excellent car, the higher the book value is. It indubitably depends on the customer who would want to buy it. For sure, you would want to select a car that would fit your taste and style.


One thing that will also settle a excellent cars book value is its body style or car Make. Depending on which body style you want, car make is very foremost consideration.The car makes add up to Book values for excellent cars. There's a lot or car makes to mention, from the most paramount car brands to the most affordable ones.To name a few, we have Alfa Romeo, Arnolt-Bristol, Bmw, Avanti, Auburn, Cadillac, Capri, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Cord, Hummer, Jaguar, Griffith, Fiat, Ferrari, Ford, Lamborghini, Lincoln, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi, Shelby Automobiles, Schwarz, Honda, Kurtis, Davis, Prowler, Oakland, Volvo, Viper or also called Dodge, Volkswagen, Porsche, Tucker, Triumph, Nash, Nissan and a lot more. I bet you already have a car type in mind with all these information I gave you. The more paramount car make is, the higher the book value will be.

Granting that you already have chosen a body style and a car make, the year the excellent car is made is also one of the most foremost considerations in appraising Book values for excellent cars. You may want to make an intensive explore over the internet or by word of mouth from friends who may have acquaintances with man who owns a excellent car. It is but inescapable that the older your car is the higher the book value becomes. Say, you have a 1947 Ferrari sports car. Definitely, this car is worth a fortune! Each car brand has its earliest year of manufacture. Like antiques, the longer you keep it, make sure its still working, the higher the book value will become. Another vital detail you shouldn't miss in appraising the book value of your excellent car either you are the buyer or the wholesaler is its model and trim, like if your Ferrari is a 2 door Spider Allemano or a 2 door spider corsa. Another is you need to search for options and settle its used values.

All these need to be in mind in choosing Book values for excellent cars. One you have all these cards in place, it would be easier for you to collate or appraise its book value. either you may want to buy one or you already possess one, knowing how much fortune you will earn or you already possess gives a feeling of awe and feel-good for your own self.

Book Values For excellent Cars

วันศุกร์ที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Book Title Ideas That Sell

A clever title is great if it is clear, but a clear title is always preferable. The best? A clear and clever title. A shorter title is best than a longer one. Your reader will spend only four seconds on the cover. While some long titles have succeeded, regularly the shorter, the better.

A title is part of your book's front cover. Busy buyers together with bookstore buyers, wholesalers, distributors and your audiences buy in general because of the cover. Dan Poynter, author of Writing Nonfiction, says, "The holder face sells the stock inside." Make your cover sizzle.


Start with a working title before you write your chapters. Comprise your topic, your branch and use the book's benefits in your sub title if possible. Here are your book title ideas that sell!

1. Originate impact for your title-check out magazine print and radio ad headlines.

Check out other authors' titles on the bookstore shelves. Your title must drive the reader to buy now. Which title grabs you? Elder Rage or Caregiving for Dad?

2. Comprise your solution in your title.

Does your title sell your solution? Make sure it answers the ask rather than asks one. For instance, Got Minerals?, or Minerals: The principal Link to Health. Use definite language instead of negative. For instance, Without Minerals You'll Die can be Minerals: The principal Link to Health.

3. Make it easy for readers to buy.

Readers want a magic pill. They want to ensue directions and enjoy the benefits the title promises. For example, 1001 Ways to market Your Books by John Kremer gives at least 1001 ways for authors and publishers to market their books.

4. Improve your title to other books, products, seminars, and services.

Make sure that your title will work well with the title of your presentations, articles and press releases you'll need to promote the book. Such seminars and teleclasses titled "How to Write and Sell Your Book- Fast!" and "Seven Sure- Fire Ways to Publicize your Business" come under the umbrella "fast book writing, publishing and promoting."

5. Use primary expressions--a way of expressing one idea for your book--yours alone.

Sam Horn, author of Tongue Fú!, puts her special twist on defusing verbal conflict.

6. Comprise benefits in your subtitle if your title doesn't have any.

Specific benefits request sales. For instance, Marilyn and Tom Ross' Jump Start Your Book Sales: A Money-Making Guide for Authors, Independent Publishers and Small Presses.

7. Choose others' book covers in your field as models.

Go to your local bookstore with five-colored felt tips pens and paper. Browse the section your book would be shelved on. Choose five book titles and covers that attract you. Photo copy or sketch those, noting the colors, design, fonts, and sizes of fonts. Add other colors you like. Place the book cover you love near your workstation to inspire you. For the final copy, use pro cover designers if possible.

8. Be outrageous with your book title.

People do judge a book by its title. Your reader will spend only four seconds on the front cover and eight seconds on the back cover. It must be so outstanding and catchy that it compels the reader to either buy on the spot or look added to the back cover. Take a risk. Be a bit crazy, even outlandish.

9. Be your strongest salesperson self.

Choose the strongest words, benefits, and metaphors to move your audience to buy. Titles do sell books.

10. Comprise your audience in your title. This gives your book a slant.

When your title isn't targeted other celebrated authors' titles win out. always make your title clear and make it easy for your audience to recognize they need your book. Your title and front cover is your book's estimate one sales tool. Short titles are best, say three to six words. John Gray didn't get much concentration with his book "What Your mum Couldn't Tell You and What Your Father Didn't Know." He shortened it to the now famous, "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus."

An outstanding title sells books. Make sure to give this part of your book, the estimate one principal "Hot-Selling Point," some time and effort.

Book Title Ideas That Sell

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

This Book, studying Your Computer through Pictures Is a marvelous and Fun Way to Learn Computers!

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to tell you a story about my journey learning how to use my computer. Have you ever felt that you just don't have the skills to learn your computer and its applications? Have you ever been so frustrated with your computer that you just want to throw it out the window?


That was me too. As I began to play nearby with the internet at first it was just surfing nearby and finding at sites. Whenever I came upon a beautiful web page; and saw all of the unique applications the web designer put onto his page I would feel in fact bad because I didn't feel I had the skills to do those things even though I in fact had great ideas.

Then I decided to in fact go straight through an in-depth study of my computer based on what I wanted to do online. I in fact wanted to post blogs about prominent information. I in fact wanted to be able to share links to other sites, and I in fact wanted to use video format to express myself online.

I didn't have time to go back to school so I decided to write a book using pictorial examples that explained each instruction. Subject: Introduction to Using Your Computer, the Basics

Textbook: learning Your Computer straight through Pictures.

Course Description:
This study procedure is designed to give you the basics in insight and using your computer. The format is straightforward and all of the instructions are coupled with pictorial examples which will take away any apprehension you may have as each schooling is supported with its correlating photograph every step of the way.

We will cover things like the creation of documents, how to share those documents online, the operational features of the Microsoft Works word processing program together with font size, editing documents, creation of video formats, navigating on the web, and added insightful minute tips to make things easier as you search for your computer applications.

The procedure Outline, in case,granted in Three Sections as Follows:

Introduction to Section One: starting Using Your Computer to generate Microsoft Word Documents. This will start you out learning the basics of word processing, incorporation of graphics, modifying graphics, and insight toolbar functions.

Study Topics, Section One:

How to generate and Save a Microsoft Word Document.
How to Format your Document Page.
How to go for a Font for Your Document.
Adding Pictures: opportunity Your Pictures warehouse File on Your Computer
Opening Your Pictures warehouse File on Your Computer (Adding Pictures Continued).
Finding Pictures inside Your Computer's photograph Folder.
Finding Pictures Stored in Your Computer's Pictures File inside a Named Folder.
How to Re-Size a Picture.
Using the Toolbar to Edit a Picture.
Formatting a photograph Using the photograph Toolbar.
Creating an added photograph File briefcase within Your Stored Pictures.
Creating Hyper-Links into Words Within Your Document.
Inserting Hyper-Links into Pictures Within Your Document.
How to Save Your Document.
Where to Save Your Document.

Introduction to Section Two:
In this section we will study copying text, modifying text, use of the notepad application, use of Microsoft Word text enhancement features, navigating the internet, accessing the control panel, accessing your internet connections and options settings, insight your internet provider's tool bar functions - (Mozilla Firefox and Explorer), and using the bookmark application.

Study Topics, Section Two:

How to Copy and Paste the entire Page of a Document.
How to Copy Partial Texts Within a Document.
Understanding Your Note Pad Application.
Using the Note Pad program Application. (Introduction to insight Your Note Pad)
How to Find the Note Pad Application and Use It.
How to Use Ms Words Text Enhancement Features, (Part 1- Font Size & Bolded Text).
How to Use Ms Word's Text Enhancement Features, (Part 2- Font Color & Italics).
How to use Ms Word's Text Enhancement Features, (Part 3 - Adding Characters &
Symbols - Accessing Your Symbols Files, About the special Characters Tab).
Note on Tool Bars.
Accessing the Internet and Creating Shortcuts.
Navigating the Internet, Setting Your Default Internet supplier & Home Page
Navigating the Internet, (Accessing the control Panel),
(Accessing Your Internet Connections & Internet Options Settings), (Making Changes to Internet Connections, & Options.
Understanding Your Internet Tool Bar Functions, (Mozilla Firefox).
Understanding Your Internet Tool Bar Functions, (Internet Explorer).
Using the Book Mark Application (Internet Explorer).

Introduction to Section Three:

In this section we will study how to generate a slideshow video using Microsoft Movie Maker. This will consist of adding and editing graphics, working with transitions and durations, adding text and voice audio, adding music, cutting and trimming the slideshow and its audio, converting the slideshow into a video file, uploading to YouTube, insight keywords and meta tags, connecting varied network accounts, and the basics of recording from your computer's web camera.
Study Topics, Section Three:

How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part One - Getting Started).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Two - Importing photograph Files).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Three - Dragging Pictures into Your Story Board).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Four - Playing Your Story Board as a Film Strip & Adding Video Effects).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Five - End Note of Video Effects & Let's Talk About Adding Transitions).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Six - Adding Transitions continued & Let's Talk About Durations).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Seven - Let's Talk About Durations continued & Maneuvering straight through Your Story Board & Quick Reminder - recovery Your Project).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Eight - How to Save Your Un-Finished Story Board).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Nine - Re-Opening Your Un-Finished Story Board & Adding Text to Your Video's Story Board).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Ten - Adding Your Title Page).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Eleven - Adding Text to individual Slides & Text Animations).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Twelve - Adding Audio to Your Movie & Let's Start With Adding Narration).
(Assigning your Line in/Mic - Microphone System)
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Thirteen - Adding Music content & Designating When a Music File Will Play & End)
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Fourteen - Designating When a Music File Will Pay and End).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Fifteen, Dragging-In & Editing an Uploaded Audio File).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Sixteen - recovery Your concluded Movie - Getting Started).
How to generate a Video Slide Show Using Microsoft Movie Maker,
(Part Seventeen - Converting Your Slide Show into a Movie File).
Accessing the Internet and Creating Shortcuts.
Navigating the Internet, Setting Your Default Internet supplier & Home Page
Navigating the Internet, (Accessing the control Panel),
(Accessing Your Internet Connections & Internet Options Settings), (Making Changes to Internet Connections, & Options.
Understanding Your Internet Tool Bar Functions, (Mozilla Firefox).
Understanding Your Internet Tool Bar Functions, (Internet Explorer).
Using the Book Mark Application (Internet Explorer).
How to Upload a Video to YouTube
(Creating a User's Account).
How to Upload a Video to YouTube
(Step 1, Start Your Video Upload & choosing Which Video to Upload Within Your
Computer's Video warehouse File).
How to Upload a Video to YouTube
(Step 2, Designating Titles, Descriptions, Categories, Url & Embedding Codes, Sharing With Online Networks).
How to Upload a Video to YouTube
(About Upload Details, finding Your YouTube Videos within Your YouTube Account).
Using Your Web Camera to Upload a Video on YouTube (Part One & Two)
Note, these instructions vary agreeing to the web camera being used - they are designed to give you an over view of the web camera upload process.

This Book, studying Your Computer through Pictures Is a marvelous and Fun Way to Learn Computers!

Book review Template - Teaching Young Students better Reading comprehension

Most of us have at some time in our educational past had to write at least one book review, this is a tasteless tool used by teachers to ensure that their students are precisely reading the assigned books. They are also used by libraries and book stores as way to supply an understanding into what a single book is about as a way to encourage people to read it. A well written characterize might be all that it takes to convince a child to pick up a book and read it. Using a template for a book characterize is an easy way to make sure that it follows the right format for either printed or online use.

Before you go in quest of the right template for your book review, you need to decide why you are writing the characterize and what medium you will be using to allow others to read it. You will need to use slightly distinct templates if you are writing a characterize that is to be printed out or one that will remain on the Internet. In many cases a educator will print templates as a way to teach their students how to properly write book reviews as this will also help them to learn more about understanding what they are reading


If you are not sure where to find a template for a book review, the best place to look is online. You can use your beloved quest motor which will likely turn up a wide range of templates for you to pick from. This makes it much easier for you to download several distinct styles so that you can try them out and make your mind up the one that you like and will suit your task or needs the best. If you write several reviews over the course of a year you may even want to reconsider downloading several so that you can vary the appearance of your reviews.

Among the sections that the template should feature is an area dedicated to listing the basic facts about the book such as the title, the author's name and when and where it was published. Following this there should be a place for a brief synopsis of what the book is about and possibly an area to talk about the main character of the story. Finally if you are using the templates in a classroom setting there should be a section for the children to discuss what they did and did not like about the book and their beloved part of the story.

Book review Template - Teaching Young Students better Reading comprehension

วันพุธที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Mad River (A Virgil Flowers Novel)

Mad River (A Virgil Flowers Novel) Review

Prices as of : Oct 10, 2012 15:00:04
Listprice : $27.95
Offier Price : $16.77
You Save : $11.18

Mad River (A Virgil Flowers Novel) Overview

Bonnie and Clyde, they thought. And what’s-his-name, the sidekick. Three teenagers with dead-end lives, and chips on their shoulders, and guns.

The first person they killed was a highway patrolman. The second was a woman during a robbery. Then, hell, why not keep on going? As their crime spree cuts a swath through rural Minnesota, some of it captured on the killers’ cell phones and sent to a local television station, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension investigator Virgil Flowers joins the growing army of cops trying to run them down. But even he doesn’t realize what’s about to happen next.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 10, 2012 15:00:04

วันอังคารที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store: Unapologetic Admissions from a Non-Contender for Mother of the Year

This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store: Unapologetic Admissions from a Non-Contender for Mother of the Year Review

Prices as of : Oct 09, 2012 20:15:04
Listprice : $12.00
Offier Price : $11.63
You Save : $0.37

This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store: Unapologetic Admissions from a Non-Contender for Mother of the Year Overview

THIS LITTLE PIGGY WENT TO THE LIQUOR STORE chronicles what happens when a little girl who scorns the idea of marriage and children (in favor of becoming a stiletto-wearing, attache-carrying Secret Agent), majors in Russian, minors in Vodka, and then one day finds herself with child… and in-laws. "Empty bladder before reading." -Laurie Notaro, WE THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE PRETTIER

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 09, 2012 20:15:04

Book delineate - Way of the Peaceful Warrior

This story is a compound of fact and fiction, leaving you wondering which part it Dan's autobiography and which part is fiction. It takes you on a Journey to connect with your own inner dreams and aspirations.

Dan, the main character, is a college learner at Berkeley, University of California, and world-champion athlete. He knows that despite his success there is something missing in his life. Waking up one night by nightmares, he wonders down to the gas station, where he meets an old eccentric man. They come to be friends, instructor and learner in a 'course for life'. Socrates, as Dan calls the old man and warrior, teaches him about life, spirit, belief, mystery, success and love in a way that draws you into Dan's character.


This classic tale, told with heart and humor, speaks to the peaceful warrior in each of us, moving readers to laughter and tears -- even to moments of illumination -- as they rediscover life's larger meaning and purpose. The book was written 25 years ago and the film of the book was released this year. Check your local cinema to find out when the film will play in your area.

The new edition of this moving book contains hundreds of revisions by the author. It also tells the story behind the book - how it was born, "died," then rose from its ashes to come to be a word-of-mouth bestseller that continues to inspire millions of men and women of all ages in 22 languages worldwide.

Comments by Dan:

'Way of the Peaceful Warrior began my own journey as a writer and teacher. I've been blessed by thousands of letters I've received over the years. When I wrote it, I had no idea that so many people, young and old, from distinct walks of life, would find my story so inspiring. Over the years I've asked myself why. I believe it's because my story also touched upon universal themes-our coarse quest for meaning and purpose and direction. Somehow it reminds readers of what they had all the time known but forgotten -- the bigger photograph and considerable perfection of our lives unfolding.'
Isbn 0-915811-89-8
H J Kramer Book (Publisher)

Book delineate - Way of the Peaceful Warrior

วันจันทร์ที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

In N Out Burger - The Book!

Stacy Perman has a extra book out now called In-N-Out-Burger...an inside look at the rise and Rise of my favorite In-N-Out Burger. Through Perman's no-nonsense prose, we are taken back to the late 40's...Post World War Ii America is prospering, and a young man named Harry Snyder meets a restaurant employer named Esther Johnson, falls in love, and soon opens a modest hamburger stand in Baldwin Park, California in 1948. Through hard work, and a fierce measurement to serve potential food at low prices...Harry & Esther's small business quickly caught on, and soon the business was drawing large crowds, and large traffic jams. Harry Snyder called his business "In-N-Out-Burger" in reference to his business accommodating the booming car culture that emerged after World War Ii...In order to speed up the ordering process (& to save money on the cost of waiters and waitresses) Snyder invented a two-way speaker box so that customers can give their orders while waiting in their cars...essentially creating the contemporary drive-through feel we have today.

Unlike virtually every other fast food business in the U.S...Harry and Esther Snyder operated their business as a way to make a living...Not as a way to get rich. Expansion was only out of necessity...after long lines and traffic jams called out the need for opportunity other market to ease the congestion...Harry was a practical man...and only opened up an additional one In-N-Out Burger if he had the money to build the store, and purchase the land under it. He never borrowed on credit...it was all the time paid in cash. By the time Harry Snyder died in 1976...In-N-Out Burger had about 18 market in the Southern California area. Despite many offers to improve further, and franchise...Harry and Esther Snyder insisted on retention it a small, family-run business. Instead of cutting corners and costs in order to make more of a profit...the Snyders did the opposite... Paying extra money to not only have high potential food (with everything fresh and made to order)...but also to pay their employees a higher wage than anybody else. To the Snyders...the workers at their In-N-Out Burger market were the stars...and should be treated accordingly. There were no employees at In-N-Out Burger...everyone was an "associate"...never an employee. Customers were all the time Vips...and were all the time right Farmers, and food merchants were treated like gold...In this easy yet radical mode of operation...everyone was happy...and with everybody happy...business all the time stayed strong. While every fast food restaurant in the country added and changed their menus in order to growth and improve business...In-N-Out-Burger stayed exactly the same...sticking with Harry Snyder's motto "Keep it simple; do one thing, and do it the best you can."


After Harry Snyder died, his youngest son Richard took over the business. Under Richard Snyder...In-N-Out Burger expanded to all parts of California, and extended into Nevada, Arizona, and at last Utah. He also took In-N-Out Burger out of just being a simple, walk-up, drive-through feel and turned into walk-up, drive-through And indoor restaurant experience. A deeply religious man, it was Richard Snyder who implemented a course of having religious references to the Bible settled on the bottom of assorted In-N-Out Burger cups and paper...a practice they continue to use to this day. Yet even in their broad expansion...Richard insisted on retention In-N-Out Burger exactly the way his father left it...family-owned, with all of the food fresh and made to order. Sadly, by the time In-N-Out Burger hit 200 stores...Richard Snyder (and other In-N-Out Burger executives) were killed in a plane crash in 1993.

Harry & Esther's oldest son, Guy, choose a distinct path than his younger brother Richard. For Guy Snyder...life was about fast cars, racing, and lots of drugs. Throughout his life, he fought enduringly with his younger brother Richard. After Richard's death...Guy took over the company, slowed down expansion, yet kept the same core business values of his father and brother. Unfortunately, Guy Snyder's life of struggle and excess got the great of him, and he died of a drug overdose in 1999...leaving behind two ex-wives, his mother, and a daughter.

Esther Snyder did her best to run In-N-Out Burger for a whole of years...though her health soon began to fail, and she passed away in 2006, at age 86. A power-struggle within the business was brewing while Esther's final years...and in a controversial move...Guy Snyder's ambitious ex-(step)son-in-law was named President of In-N-Out Burger upon Esther's death...with Guy's estranged daughter, Lynsi Martinez waiting in the wings to come of age...and take over full rights of the company...

All in all, I enjoyed reading In-N-Out-Burger. Considering how underground the business is, Stacy Perman did an exquisite job in getting as much data as she could about the inner-workings and history of In-N-Out Burger. Though I am not sure how much I liked Perman's writing in general..there was something lacking in it...an absence of style, or zest perhaps? an additional one thing that vexed me was Perman's tendency to pad her book a bit with repetition, and (what felt like) non-pertinent information...That said, I am thankful that whatever took the time to write a book like this...and got a huge kick out of learning more about the place(s) I love...my home away from home...In-N-Out Burger.

In N Out Burger - The Book!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Sherry Brescia's 'Great Taste No Pain' Book - Is it True Or False?

There are so many new diet fads promoted today that you no longer know which one to take up and which to discard.

The lifestyle of the human being of the 21st Century invites a huge amount of ailments mostly owed to inadequate eating habits and lack of corporal exercise. In the Usa alone you will find more than 70 million habitancy interesting Otc (overt-the-counter) medication for pain connected to digestive disorders spending a whopping sum of 42 billion dollars every year; it is roughly impossible to fantasize the figures representing such statistics worldwide.


Sherry Brescia's book does not bring in any new premise. A health assurance researcher by profession, Sherry who spent more than 15 years of her life seeing for the right answers for a diet that promotes health and eliminate digestive-related pain, came out with this book that promises you life-changing advice without asking for any drastic convert to your lifestyle. In it, you will find the key that closes the door on all digestion-related pain forever. Amazing.

Is this true?

From what we hear, it seems that this theory is a huge hit because it over-delivers. In fact, she is so sure about the effectiveness of her diet-system that she offers a free trial of 4 days whereby you could test-drive the program. You will have 13 astounding breakfast-lunch-dinner recipes that will eliminate all pain just-like-that, overnight. The results and impact is so astounding that most habitancy become instant believers.

Sherry Brescia maintains that you need not bend over backwards to adopt new and unpalatable diets in order to stay wholesome and fit. All you need to know and do is learn and supervene the right combination of foods so your body maintains an alkaline base. The acid creating foods, she says, are at the root of all the troubles connected to digestion, and roughly always supervene in lifelong suffering and pain.

If you believe the reviews, the book, 'Great Taste No Pain' is just what it says it is - the translation in easy terms of the inexpressive for free time from stomach connected pains. The diet she recommends is surprisingly simple, remarkably tasty and very nutritious; it just could not be better. She explains why you should learn how to join foods correctly when you get ready a meal. Wrong combinations supervene in higher acidity and breeding ground for digestive problems; on the other hand, right combination promotes health and thoroughly eliminates pain. There are easy-to-follow charts that will guide at every step.

A patient of Ibs (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) herself, Sherry admits that she knows from her own caress how debilitating stomach ailments could be. Further, her profession had brought her into close caress with thousands of habitancy suffering from discrete ailments that caused them pain without any hope of retribution.

What every person likes about this book is that it does not curtail you from interesting any type of food. It just explains to you the point of combining foods correctly so you would avoid the creation of excess acidity in the body. It is highly relieving to find a diet that says you can eat all you want - beef, chicken, pork, venison, turkey, chocolate, vegetables, fruits, you name it - and be healthy; the only convert it advises is to join foods correctly.

This is certainly not too big a sacrifice, when you think that such a diet convert could bless you with perfect free time from all digestion-related pains and give you excellent health.

For more facts please visit http://www.sherry-brescia-review.com

Sherry Brescia's 'Great Taste No Pain' Book - Is it True Or False?

วันเสาร์ที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Heiress Without A Cause: Muses of Mayfair #1

Heiress Without A Cause: Muses of Mayfair #1 Review

Prices as of : Oct 06, 2012 15:45:05
Listprice : $9.99
Offier Price : $9.99
You Save :

Heiress Without A Cause: Muses of Mayfair #1 Overview

One title to change his life... 

A disgraced son with a dark reputation, William "Ferguson" Avenel is content to live in exile - until his father dies in the scandal of the Season. With rumors of insanity swirling around them, his sisters desperately need a chaperone. Ferguson thinks he's found the most proper woman in England - and he won't ruin her, even if he secretly desires the passionate woman trapped beneath a spinster's cap.

One chance to break the rules...

Lady Madeleine Vaillant can't face her blighted future without making one glorious memory for herself. In disguise, on a London stage, she finds all the adoration she never felt from the ton. But when she's nearly recognized, she will do anything to hide her identity - even setting up her actress persona as Ferguson's mistress. She'll take the pleasure he offers, but Madeleine won't lose her heart in the bargain.

One season to fall in love...

Every stolen kiss could lead to discovery, and Ferguson's old enemies are determined to ruin them both. But as their dangerous passion ignites their hearts and threatens their futures, how can an heiress who dreams of freedom deny the duke who demands her love?


Series: Muses of Mayfair #1
Next Book: Scotsmen Prefer Blondes, Muses of Mayfair #2 - available now!
Genre: Regency Historical
Setting: London, 1812
Length: 94,000 words (full-length novel)
Sensuality: Hot

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 06, 2012 15:45:05