วันศุกร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Go Viral With Your scholar Re-Sell rights E-Book

The important thing about your e-book is that you can do what you like with it. Owning the expert re-sell rights means the profits are huge, and you can sell it to other citizen and they can sell it on to more people.

How can you earn an wage from your e-book, lets assume you by an e-book with expert re-sell rights for , you then re-sell the book at the same price. So now you have got your speculation back after just one sale. If you sell 11 copies you have made a 1000% profit, not bad for a investment.


If you want your e-book to be viral which means to spread out exponentially this formula is effective, but if you want to get it distributed easier and in a shorter time. What do you do, well you give it away.

Why give your e-book away, this is because you are the author of the book, and being the author of the book you can have as many links inside the book as you want. Just do not put to many links in your book, otherwise your readers will be a bit skeptical of the intentions of the book.

The links that you place in your book will point to your website, so therefore you will have one inherent customer.

Giving away your book is only part of the strategy, you can also offer these rights to your customers. You can offer them an selection to get the book for free, or pay a small fee for the expert re-sell rights.

So why would your customers pay for the expert re-sell rights, well these rights allow them to use their own links. By using their own affiliate link they can earn a commission from your site.

Having these rights will allow them to give away or sell your e-book to their customers, and so it goes on. Not only do they earn commissions from your site, they earn more money by selling the expert re-sell rights or just re-sell the rights. You will now find you have just gone viral.

Go Viral With Your scholar Re-Sell rights E-Book

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

The Time Keeper

The Time Keeper Review

Prices as of : Sep 27, 2012 11:30:04
Listprice : $24.99
Offier Price : $14.40
You Save : $10.59

The Time Keeper Overview

From the author who's inspired millions worldwide with books like Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People You Meet in Heaven comes his most imaginative novel yet, The Time Keeper--a compelling fable about the first man on earth to count the hours.

The man who became Father Time.

In Mitch Albom's newest work of fiction, the inventor of the world's first clock is punished for trying to measure God's greatest gift. He is banished to a cave for centuries and forced to listen to the voices of all who come after him seeking more days, more years. Eventually, with his soul nearly broken, Father Time is granted his freedom, along with a magical hourglass and a mission: a chance to redeem himself by teaching two earthly people the true meaning of time.

He returns to our world--now dominated by the hour-counting he so innocently began--and commences a journey with two unlikely partners: one a teenage girl who is about to give up on life, the other a wealthy old businessman who wants to live forever. To save himself, he must save them both. And stop the world to do so.

Told in Albom's signature spare, evocative prose, this remarkably original tale will inspire readers everywhere to reconsider their own notions of time, how they spend it and how precious it truly is.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 27, 2012 11:30:04

วันจันทร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Bared to You: A Crossfire Novel

Bared to You: A Crossfire Novel Review

Prices as of : Sep 25, 2012 00:30:06
Listprice : $15.00
Offier Price : $9.00
You Save : $6

Bared to You: A Crossfire Novel Overview

"If I were to recommend any book today to readers who enjoyed 50 Shades...this would be the first one I would offer....scorching love scenes."--Dear Author


Gideon Cross came into my life like lightning in the darkness...

He was beautiful and brilliant, jagged and white-hot. I was drawn to him as I'd never been to anything or anyone in my life. I craved his touch like a drug, even knowing it would weaken me. I was flawed and damaged, and he opened those cracks in me so easily...

Gideon knew. He had demons of his own. And we would become the mirrors that reflected each other's most private worlds...and desires.

The bonds of his love transformed me, even as I prayed that the torment of our pasts didn't tear us apart...

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 25, 2012 00:30:06

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Products for a successful Web firm

There are F words in business. We have seen many small businesses on the internet flourish and fulfil their dream, but sadly we have seen some flounder and fail because they had the wrong product.

To be successful in a new business:


Choose the right goods or service. Learn all there is to know about the goods or service. Price it well. Arrange trustworthy delivery. Get a buyer amiable website. Get found at the top of quest results.

In this narrative we discuss choosing products for the purpose of selling them on the web.
Consumables: Products that get used up and need replacing originate repeat business. E.g: Razors cost minute but the blades wear out and need replacing. Printers are often sold at a low price, but their cartridges all the time need replacing. Good aid in delivering consumables generates repeat business. This applies to compatibles as well as brand-name products. The most successful among our websites in this group sell printer inks and toners. Books, Cds, Dvds: If people know the item and it's authors / producers, they won't mind buying it on the internet, if price and delivery is competitive. If the item is a self-published book, Cd / Dvd, then people need to be able to seek it before choosing to order it. The most successful among our websites in this group sell known text-books. The least successful offered home produced Cds Artworks: Prints or reproductions of known artworks can sell on the internet, in case,granted there is a money-back certify if the buyer is not happy with the quality. If the item is an customary by an unknown artist, then it's very difficult to display its potential on the web to the point of persuading a buyer to order it. Most people would want to personally see the actual artwork. The least successful in this group offered customary oil paintings. Brand Name Products, Parts, Accessories: If they are brand-name items with a manufacturer's guarantee, then in case,granted price and delivery is competitive, these are the basis for most successful businesses on the web, regardless what product. People know exactly what they are getting, and receive a guarantee. The most successful among our websites in this group sell computers, parts and accessories, followed by perfumes. Services: Breaking into a aid store is very difficult. Exact details of the aid offered must be in case,granted on the website. A aid firm often needs to get established and get the first few customers to supply testimonials, before firm from strangers flow in. The usual rules of competitiveness and reliability count very much towards success in the aid industry. The most successful of our aid website clients supply wedding cars, followed by landscaping, then financial services.
Get a binding agreement with a trustworthy supplier, and ensure the supplier also benefits from selling through your business. We know one firm which closed down after their overseas supplier started selling direct to their customers.
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, other factors must also be gift to ensure a successful business, but choosing the goods is the first make or break factor in beginning a business.

More facts for small businesses can be found at platypus websites - http://www.platywebs.com.au

Products for a successful Web firm

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Tailor Home School learning to Child and Parent (Or How to Effectively Involve Your Husband!)

"Dad, can I Puh-Leez have this video game for Christmas?" My thirteen year old son plaintively begged his Dad for the millionth time. Over the last merge of years, my son had well developed an affinity for video games.

If my memory is correct, my son was ten years old when he was introduced to electronic games at a friend's house. Before we purchased his first game system, we discussed the pros and cons; my husband and I are so old that we remember playing the old Atari game ideas twenty years ago, and we all the time had fun playing with friends. We agreed to limit his playing time and monitor the content. We started with games that were rated E which meant the article was favorable for everyone, and as he matured we allowed T or teen games.


His first real passion was fueled by Nintendo GameCube. I cannot tell you how many times over the years he played and mastered The Legend of Zelda and Super Smash Brothers; I have heard the theme music so often that I can recall it in my sleep! Next, he became absorbed in Microsoft Xbox games like Star Wars Battlefront Ii and Knights of the Old Republic.

Recently, my son began to yearn for games that imitated battles like Call of Duty Iii which is a T game that is based on World War Ii battles in France. We were concerned about the possibility of realistic battle scenes, but my husband came up with a creative way to capitalize on my son's passion for the game by incorporating some learning in history and science.

Since most of the battles take place in a real geographical place and revolve colse to real battles, my husband decided to use my son's interest in the game to progress his knowledge and insight of soldiery and political history. Periodically, he has my son investigate one of the historical events like the battle of Normandy, write an essay, and then discuss it. Hereafter plans include some physical scientific study by assigning some of the weapons and munitions for investigate and discussion. By watching my son play the video game, my husband knows what battles he is currently re-enacting so he can make timely and appropriate assignments.

Why is this formula so sufficient for both my son and husband?

Well, my very astute husband has chosen to teach what my son is already passionate about: war and weapons! Instead of reading a dry, boring textbook on World War Ii, my son gets to choose many texts from which to learn (by the way, even at 13, he chooses books from the library or bookshelf with lots of slippery photos!) My husband also benefits from this teaching formula because he gets to draw from his own wide interest in the branch and teach something he knows a lot about. He doesn't have to spend a lot of his free time on researching the branch so this type of teaching doesn't cramp his work schedule. What a win-win situation for both my boys!

How can you use similar teaching techniques in your home school?

First, pay close attentiveness to your children's interests. How do they spend their free time? Does your daughter like to write or cook or derive earthworms in her spare time? Does your son derive baseball cards, build with lego blocks, or meticulously paint car and airplane models? Make a short list of their interests, abilities, and blossoming gifts.

Next, make a short list of what interests, gifts, and abilities you and your husband have. You may be an avid chef while your husband may be an scholar at construction models. Find the intersections of your children's interests and your interests, then use those strengths as beginning points for launching studies. Craft a learning plan that is tailored to both child and parent, and be flexible with the type of content. Vary the materials: use books, photos, and Dvds for the initial research, and be sure to merge lots of hands-on feel so that the child begins to well scholar the branch matter.

When both parents are complicated with home schooling, the burden is shared, and learning will be fun for the entire family!

Tailor Home School learning to Child and Parent (Or How to Effectively Involve Your Husband!)

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Music Sight Reading

One of the fastest ways to growth your turnover time is to be very good at sight reading. Why? Because if you can sight read to a high standard, you've eliminated one stage that many habitancy can find very time bright - studying the notes.

If you're spending weeks studying the notes, something needs to be done. If you can start studying your notes straight away, and be able to play the piece straight through (even if it is at 3/4 pace), then you've cut down a lot of wasted practice time. There's lots of dissimilar methods to help heighten sight reading, but the best way is practice. Seeing a book with lots of tunes in it will help, but there are other things to help out as well.


In the Ameb syllabus, in what they review as Level 2 (Grades 5 to 8), they expect the candidate to demonstrate in the sight reading:

* Accuracy in time and rhythm

* Accuracy in pitch

* performance at the tempo indicated in the music

* Dynamics, articulation and style as indicated.

Now, for the exam, they're probably going to give you sight reading that's a few grades below what you're sitting for. For example, if you were going for grade 6, the sight reading could well have been determined as syllabus pieces for the grade 3 repertoire. So you're predicted to do a bit more and be able to add in dynamics, articulation and style. For our purposes we don't need that, as we're not sight reading below our playing level, we're sight reading at our playing level.

But what can we do to heighten our sight reading level? Grade exams might well be the key. If you're up to pieces in grade 5, go back and start at grade 1 (or first if available) and use the pieces in there as sight reading. Aim to do one each day, and go straight through the book. Ideally, do a dissimilar syllabus than the one that you originally took the exam in. For example, if you did your exams under the Ameb, then you should probably get the books from the Abrsm or Trinity, or other similar examining bodies. This way, you're less likely to run into pieces that you've already played. If you've already played it, then it's not sight reading.

Start quite low down, and work your way up. You'll notice that you'll need to construct some techniques to help you along the way. First of all, as is becoming a theme in my posts, visualise what it is that you're going to play. Sing it straight through in your head, and hear the rhythm, if not the notes as well. At the very least you'll be able to hear some intervals. The next thing you'll quickly need to learn is the art of being in two places at once. Or possibly three places. However, I'm not into defying physics here, we need to rely on our memory to help us along. In order to process what it is we're going to play, we need to look ahead. That way, we're not always reading the note and reacting to it. So instead, what you need to get into the habit of is taking snatches of information. Starting at the Starting of the piece, you might grab the notes and rhythms of the first two bars. You'll then look at the third bar while you're playing the first bar, and then have a quick look at your fingers or bow or whatever just to make sure it's all happening smoothly, and then look at the second bar as a refresher. You'd then look ahead to the fourth bar, while playing the second, and repeat and so on. In this way, we're permanently making ready our mind for what's coming up, and also reminding ourselves of where we are, and what we're doing.

I've recently gotten into reading some organisational life blogs. The type of things that help you declutter and reorganise your life to be more efficient. As a lot of the time I'm talking about development our music practice more efficient, I understanding this might be a useful place to get hints as to things I could bring over into my music practice. One post by Scott H Young talks about doubling your reading rate, and also of being able to read 70 books in a year. If you're curious in that, head over and take a gander. Anyway, the trick is to learn how to speed read, which isn't reading incredibly fast, but instead is knowing when you can gloss, and when to get more dug in, and also being able to process quickly.

It's like that with sight-reading. Most of the time, you'll want to be able to gloss - pick up the shape of the melody, and use your musical knowledge to know where the tune is going. Unless you're sight-reading Schoenberg or some other 20th century artist whose works are hard to guess where they're going next, you'll be able to get a fair idea of what's going to happen. I have fun in sight reading my students works, and guessing what's on the next page, and it's surprising how often I'm close, if not dead on the money. You'll also want to know where you need to stop glossing and for real bog down in the detail. Thankfully with music, there's often an easy way to know this. The blacker the page is, the more you need to pay attention. Because generally, if the page is black, then there's lots of notes (both actual note heads, and also stem tails). That commonly means that you're going to need to be aware because it's probably fast, or a involved rhythm, or both. That's the stage where you need to stop glossing and start being for real aware of what you're playing.

You also need to be able to process quickly. A lot of the violinists that I've talked to often don't think of the notes when they're playing. While this seems like an odd thing, it for real makes a lot of sense. They've gotten so used to where the notes are, both on the stave, and on their instrument, that they no longer need to take the step of processing what the actual note is. Instead, what they will often focus upon is what the shape of the phrase is, to help them resolve what position to play that part in. That's the processing part that Scott is talking about. When we start to learn to read, we're encouraged to say the words out loud, and then as we move on, we stop saying it out loud and say it in our heads. What fails to get taught is the next step of no longer saying the words in our heads and just taking in the information. This is what helps speed up the process. Eliminating unnecessary steps, such as saying the notes in your head, will mean that your mind can focus on other things, such as what notes are coming up next, or what the dynamic or style is, and either you're development any mistakes.

I hope a few of those tips have helped you in your sight reading, and in helping growth your turnover rate. I'd love to hear any comments on your experiences with sight reading, and also either you're a "note sayer" or a "shape reader".

Music Sight Reading

What Types of Lines Can Be Found through a Reverse Phone Search?

A good reverse phone hunt will allow anything who uses the hunt to find identities of citizen who have safe bet phone numbers. The types of lines that can be used here will be varied. It is good to see this because it can show what a someone can and cannot hunt for on a reverse phone search.

The most coarse type of phone line that can be found through a reverse phone hunt is a landline number. This is a amount that is attached to a safe bet corporal construction and will work only in that particular building. This is the main type of line that can be found under a person's name in a majority of phone directories. It should be reviewed when getting the hunt to work.


Also, secondary phone numbers at a construction can also be searched for. Many businesses are ones that can have two or more phone numbers. This is used with the convenience of the company is mind. This data will be easy to hunt through because of how the hunt will list data on all numbers that are attached to a safe bet site. This can be very beneficial in the event that a someone is contacted by a phone amount despite that amount being something that isn't the business' original line.

Mobile phone numbers can be found as well. This is especially prominent because of how more citizen are getting movable phones than ever before these days. A hunt will list data on the movable phone amount and the name of the someone who is getting a line handled. This is a aid that can work for a majority of dissimilar movable phone providers.

It should be known that there are two cases where a hunt may not work. Lines that are on unlisted numbers may not work. This is due to how a hunt will have a tough time finding data on numbers that are listed as being unlisted on a home or phone. This is a aid that is generally used for those who are willing to spend extra money in order to get their numbers to be unlisted.

Also, many dissimilar movable phone numbers may not be listed on a reverse phone search. This comes from how the amount will end up being on a network that might end up being one that does not list its numbers in directories. This is a essential part of this aid that anything should watch for.

It will be a good idea to look into all of the dissimilar types of phone lines that can be found on a typical reverse phone search. This will be used to help with enhancing the way how a someone can really find a phone amount from a collection of dissimilar sources. Not all lines are going to work through a hunt though. It will be smart to watch for this when getting a hunt to work when it comes to getting a phone amount from some place found.

Unmask your difficulty caller, Find Out Who Is Calling You Click Here!

What Types of Lines Can Be Found through a Reverse Phone Search?

วันพุธที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Irretrievably Broken

Irretrievably Broken Review

Prices as of : Sep 19, 2012 14:15:04
Listprice : $14.99
Offier Price : $14.99
You Save :

Irretrievably Broken Overview

Attorney Sasha McCandless is back in Irretrievably Broken. The venerable law firm of Prescott & Talbott is reeling from the murder of partner Ellen Mortenson -- purportedly at the hands of her estranged husband -- when a photograph of the dead woman arrives, her face Xed out and "ONE DOWN" scrawled across the bottom. Within days, a second partner is murdered, her husband also accused. Sasha doesn't practice criminal defense, so she's suspicious when her former firm asks her to represent Ellen's husband. Owing Prescott a favor, she takes the case and soon finds herself representing not one, but both, of the so-called Lady Lawyer Killers. The long hours jeopardize her relationship with Leo Connelly when he needs her most. That's the least of Sasha's troubles, though, because what she doesn't know is that the real killer is waging a vendetta for a past case gone wrong. And there's one more lawyer on his list.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 19, 2012 14:15:04

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

10 Tips to Help You specialist the Art of Reading Stories to Your Kids

We never forget our popular books: the look, feel, and smell of pages that pulled us in when we were children. Best of all, these books evoke memories of having that special someone sitting with us, all to ourselves, and sensing that we were, together with that someone, enveloped in a fantasy world.

Reading aloud with your child is essentially a relational activity full of advantages - for grown-ups as well as for the child. It is in this shared sense of reading aloud together that adults and young children build deeper bonds, generate persisting memories, and pass on values from one generation to the next.


With so much potential riding on these high-priced moments with our young, here are some practical tips from parents and caregivers, just like you, that will help make these moments even more special:

Read the book by yourself first. Look for clues in the pictures or events on which you can expand. If you enjoy it, so will your young listeners. Create the right atmosphere. You don't need to build a special reading nook; just find a quiet place for reading to help set the right mood when reading aloud. pick a time when you and your children are relaxed. If you have more than one child, spend time reading with each child separately, especially if they are more than two years apart. Be expressive! generate suspense by lowering your voice, or a dramatic consequent by raising it. Try changing your accent and tone of your voice to reflect what the characters are saying. Don't worry about how you sound; children are a forgiving and enthusiastic audience. The benefits? You publish tension. And your children see reading as fun, not work. This is a amazing occasion for your child to see you as playful! Let your child set the pace. It's not just what you read to children, but how you read that matters. If we rush through stories or read without enthusiasm, children quickly lose interest. When you let your child pick the pages and set the pace, you work within your child's attentiveness span. Spending more time on the parts of the book that are most enchanting for your child is the best way to take care of a love of reading. Be patient. Don't be tempted to construe the 'moral' of the story. Let the sense of the characters in the story speak for themselves. However, answering questions your child raises is foremost even if it takes you away from the story for a while. Again, consequent the pace your child sets. Use the story to help your child learn. Depending on your child's age, use the illustrations and words, the experiences of the characters, or the setting of the story to teach them about new places, new situations or unfamiliar words... Or even a new language! Grin and bear it. Agree to read the same story over and over again. Although this can be tiresome, repeating the same story is for real good. By reading a story more than once, you are addition the chances your child will for real learn the story and review to its messages, as well as fabricate more memory skills. So, take a deep breath and relax, then pick up that all-too-familiar book with real enthusiasm, and pay attentiveness to how much more your child knows each time you read it. Be a good role model. Let your child see you reading, and share your excitement when you enjoy a great book or report of your own. This seemingly peripheral activity, however, will sub-consciously place point of the act of reading. If she sees you enjoy and value reading, then she will too. Keep it fresh! Introduce new books often. Sometimes there is that one book that temporarily steals the hearts and minds of our children. While it may be the only book your child wants to read, it's foremost to remember that there are many books that will suit your child's interests and capture her imagination. If you family is multi-lingual or multi-cultural, introducing stories of separate languages or cultural origin provide opportunities for improving language improvement or appreciation of your heritage. Make reading a priority. Whether it's few minutes every night before bed or an hour every Sunday morning, it helps to set aside a definite time for reading. This kind of special "together time" can go a long way in getting - and retention - your child curious in books.

Your child wants to be close to you and hear your voice. By establishing a reading disposition and adapting these tips to your family, you will give your child a special time to look forward to each day, while creating memories for a lifetime.

10 Tips to Help You specialist the Art of Reading Stories to Your Kids

วันเสาร์ที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, Book 3)

Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, Book 3) Review

Prices as of : Sep 15, 2012 20:00:07
Listprice : $17.99
Offier Price : $9.92
You Save : $8.07

Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, Book 3) Feature

  • Recommended Age: 12 years and up

Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, Book 3) Overview

Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has survived the Hunger Games twice. But now that she's made it out of the bloody arena alive, she's still not safe. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge. Who do they think should pay for the unrest? Katniss. And what's worse, President Snow has made it clear that no one else is safe either. Not Katniss's family, not her friends, not the people of District 12. Powerful and haunting, this thrilling final installment of Suzanne Collins's groundbreaking The Hunger Games trilogy promises to be one of the most talked about books of the year.

Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, Book 3) Specifications

Product Description
Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has survived the Hunger Games twice. But now that she's made it out of the bloody arena alive, she's still not safe. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge. Who do they think should pay for the unrest? Katniss. And what's worse, President Snow has made it clear that no one else is safe either. Not Katniss's family, not her friends, not the people of District 12. Powerful and haunting, this thrilling final installment of Suzanne Collins's groundbreaking The Hunger Games trilogy promises to be one of the most talked about books of the year.

A Q&A with Suzanne Collins, Author of Mockingjay (The Final Book of The Hunger Games)

Q: You have said from the start that The Hunger Games story was intended as a trilogy. Did it actually end the way you planned it from the beginning?

A: Very much so. While I didn't know every detail, of course, the arc of the story from gladiator game, to revolution, to war, to the eventual outcome remained constant throughout the writing process.

Q: We understand you worked on the initial screenplay for a film to be based on The Hunger Games. What is the biggest difference between writing a novel and writing a screenplay?

A: There were several significant differences. Time, for starters. When you're adapting a novel into a two-hour movie you can't take everything with you. The story has to be condensed to fit the new form. Then there's the question of how best to take a book told in the first person and present tense and transform it into a satisfying dramatic experience. In the novel, you never leave Katniss for a second and are privy to all of her thoughts so you need a way to dramatize her inner world and to make it possible for other characters to exist outside of her company. Finally, there's the challenge of how to present the violence while still maintaining a PG-13 rating so that your core audience can view it. A lot of things are acceptable on a page that wouldn't be on a screen. But how certain moments are depicted will ultimately be in the director's hands.

Q: Are you able to consider future projects while working on The Hunger Games, or are you immersed in the world you are currently creating so fully that it is too difficult to think about new ideas?

A: I have a few seeds of ideas floating around in my head but--given that much of my focus is still on The Hunger Games--it will probably be awhile before one fully emerges and I can begin to develop it.

Q: The Hunger Games is an annual televised event in which one boy and one girl from each of the twelve districts is forced to participate in a fight-to-the-death on live TV. What do you think the appeal of reality television is--to both kids and adults?

A: Well, they're often set up as games and, like sporting events, there's an interest in seeing who wins. The contestants are usually unknown, which makes them relatable. Sometimes they have very talented people performing. Then there's the voyeuristic thrill—watching people being humiliated, or brought to tears, or suffering physically--which I find very disturbing. There's also the potential for desensitizing the audience, so that when they see real tragedy playing out on, say, the news, it doesn't have the impact it should.

Q: If you were forced to compete in the Hunger Games, what do you think your special skill would be?

A: Hiding. I'd be scaling those trees like Katniss and Rue. Since I was trained in sword-fighting, I guess my best hope would be to get hold of a rapier if there was one available. But the truth is I'd probably get about a four in Training.

Q: What do you hope readers will come away with when they read The Hunger Games trilogy?

A: Questions about how elements of the books might be relevant in their own lives. And, if they're disturbing, what they might do about them.

Q: What were some of your favorite novels when you were a teen?

A:A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Boris by Jaapter Haar
Germinal by Emile Zola
Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury

(Photo © Cap Pryor)

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 15, 2012 20:00:07

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Passive wage Opportunities - 3 Ways To generate Passive wage Online

Are you looking for passive earnings opportunities? Most people don't even think about it - they live their life and work at their regular 9 to 5 jobs without thinking about enhancing their income. You any way are curious in earning more and working less! If you want it badly enough, there's nothing stopping you from getting what you want, as there are fullness of passive earnings opportunities out there, and they often don't need any more effort than what you're used to. For example, you could buy real estates and rent them out. You could start a vending slot business, and earn passive residual earnings from vending slot machines. These methods involves a confident risk though - they need you to invest money to get started. In the last 10 years though there has evolved many risk free passive earnings opportunities. I'm talking about creating and earnings on the Internet - earning money online. I will here tell you about some ways you can go about to achieve this:

Sell photos. There are several websites which lets you upload photos, where they are displayed to other people. A lot of people are advent to these websites to find good photos that they can use on their websites or blogs. If someone likes one of your photos, they can buy it. The great thing is that the same photo can be sold over and over. If you take nice photos, you can generate a nice passive residual earnings off it.
Sell e-books. If you're an specialist within an area, or just feel you have a lot of knowledge about something, you can write an e-book sell it online. If you join a website like ClickBank, you can register your stock there and have other people promote your e-book for a commission of the sale. This way you will reach a lot more people and you'll earn more. Also, ClickBank will take care of all the money transactions against a small division of sales. You don't need to write a hundred pages, as long as the content of your e-book is good. There are people development good money on actually crappy e-books, so if you make a good one, it's actually inherent to make good money off of it.
Affiliate marketing. Maybe one of the best passive earnings opportunities, affiliate marketing has turned many a man into millionaires in modern years. Affiliate marketers are the ones who promote other's e-books at ClickBank. They aren't restricted to that though, as they can promote anyone saleable online. An affiliate marketer needs to be good at driving the online traffic - getting visitors to his website or to the stock he is promoting. Affiliate marketers has the top inherent earnings when it comes to jobs on the Internet, and it's practically exclusively a passive residual income. Affiliate marketing is carefully one of the very best passive earnings opportunities.


Passive wage Opportunities - 3 Ways To generate Passive wage Online

Contingency: Book One: Covenant of Trust Series

Contingency: Book One: Covenant of Trust Series Review

Prices as of : Sep 14, 2012 09:00:04
Listprice : $14.99
Offier Price : $9.48
You Save : $5.51

Contingency: Book One: Covenant of Trust Series Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780981964829
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

Contingency: Book One: Covenant of Trust Series Overview

Bobbi Molinsky's comfortable life is shattered when a forwarded email from her husband's account lands in her inbox. The email teases, "My whole evening is free again." After an angry confrontation with Chuck, she is left with the broken remains of an eighteen year marriage. Bobbi agrees forgiving Chuck is the right thing, the God-honoring thing to do, but it leaves her empty and isolated. Teaching her second-graders is a burden. Taking care of her boys saps all her energy. It seems God Himself has walked away, leaving her to struggle alone. Bobbi can't deny the transformation in Chuck, but genuine forgiveness requires trust, and trust is a risk she's not willing to take. Can she let go of her deepest, most primal fears and save her marriage?

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 14, 2012 09:00:04

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

JustBet Exceeds the Demands of Online Sports Bettors

Whether it is because of new laws, a country singling out a singular sportsbook or the company's decision to no longer aid sure markets, it seems that every year, many online sports bettors have to scramble to find a new website to place their online bets.

With the scenery of the online sports betting industry seemingly in a state of constant flux, it is more prominent than ever to find a safe and dependable sports books.


When looking for a new sports book, reconsider one that has a well established reputation. Even though some of the oldest online books have closed up shop or discontinued servicing sure markets, the ones that remain are the most reliable.

You can still find sports books that have been in operation for 10 years or more. These sites have demonstrated to have staying power through the most turbulent times in the industry.

Another aspect that you might want to reconsider when choosing your sportsbook is the sign-up bonus. While a sign-up bonus should never be the choosing factor in your final decision, you might as well take benefit of the supplementary funds that it adds your betting bankroll.

One major characteristic that many online bettors ignore when reviewing sportsbooks are their payout methods. Most offer at least one free withdrawal per month. However, you sometimes have to wait a few days to a week to no ifs ands or buts receive your money.

When you win money, you don't want to wait for the money - and you shouldn't. It is recommended that find a sports book that offer one or two day payout options.

One such website that meets all of these criteria is JustBet.

Not only has JustBet been a top-notch online sports book since 1996, they offer predicted bonuses, fast and acquire payouts and haven't seen the same amount of Denial of aid (DoS) attacks.

DoS attacks are known to paralyze online books, disabling their players from placing their bets. In fact, while the first week of the 2011 Nfl season, many major online sports books were shut down due to DoS attacks. Nonetheless, JustBet was fully operational and received a spike in traffic because of it.

While there are many dependable sportsbooks online, not all satisfy the criteria laid out above. In today's online sports betting climate, JustBet is a required sports book for all online sport bettors. Learn more about JustBet and a extra bonus at the Odds On Betting Blog.

JustBet Exceeds the Demands of Online Sports Bettors

วันอังคารที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

The Boy in the Suitcase

The Boy in the Suitcase Review

Prices as of : Sep 11, 2012 10:30:04
Listprice : $15.95
Offier Price : $10.20
You Save : $5.75

The Boy in the Suitcase Overview

Nina Borg, a Red Cross nurse, wife, and mother of two, is a compulsive do-gooder who can't say no when someone asks for help—even when she knows better. When her estranged friend Karin leaves her a key to a public locker in the Copenhagen train station, Nina gets suckered into her most dangerous project yet. Inside the locker is a suitcase, and inside the suitcase is a three-year-old boy: naked and drugged, but alive.
Is the boy a victim of child trafficking? Can he be turned over to authorities, or will they only return him to whoever sold him? When Karin is discovered brutally murdered, Nina realizes that her life and the boy's are in jeopardy, too. In an increasingly desperate trek across Denmark, Nina tries to figure out who the boy is, where he belongs, and who exactly is trying to hunt him down.

From the Hardcover edition.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 11, 2012 10:30:04

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

America The Story of Us: An Illustrated History

America The Story of Us: An Illustrated History Review

Prices as of : Sep 09, 2012 12:45:05
Listprice : $29.95
Offier Price : $19.77
You Save : $10.18

America The Story of Us: An Illustrated History Overview

America The Story of Us is a groundbreaking series that brings to life the epic story of our nation in a new way for a new generation. The companion book, America The Story of Us is a history that is at once penetrating and lively, elegant and authoritative; great for serious reading as it is for casual skimming. America The Story of Us brings to life the vast forces that shaped this remarkable country and the ways in which revolutions in technology and transportation altered the way Americans lived, made money, and fought one another. Explored in these pages is the struggle between settlers and Native Americans; the epic conflict of slavery, from cotton gin to Civil War; the creation of the transcontinental railroad alongside the thundering herds of buffalo across the West; and how American ingenuity and determination both carried us through the Great Depression and won the Second World War. Beginning with Jamestown and Plymouth Bay, the first successful British colonies on the mainland, the book highlights the landmark moments in political, social, economic, and military history, from the prototypical entrepreneur John Rolfe and his tobacco seeds to Barack Obama and the seeds of change, from the Model T to the moon landing. Written by novelist, historian, and journalist Kevin Baker (a key contributor to The American Century, by Harold Evans), the narrative shares the TV series- eye for the dramatic moment in U.S. history-there is danger, action, struggle-while adding new layers of detail and nuance. America The Story of Us is decisive and essential, the story of the country that every family will want to own.

Foreword by President Obama

A stunning companion piece for the most anticipated HISTORY broadcast of all time, includes 412 heavily illustrated pages featuring over 300 full color images and layers of information including “charticles,” graphics, photographs, and text.

The adventure that became a nation – the complete history of the US has not been told for 40 years.

AMERICA the Story of Us is an exuberant, unprecedented look at the invention of America focusing on how events small and large are intrinsically linked to the exploration and innovation, leading us from the frontier to 21st century cities, from the Mississippi to the moon, from Jamestown to 9/11 up to present day. Moving though time and space linking key events, people and locations, capturing the vast sweep of American history— bringing viewers on a journey through the forces that shaped the destiny of America.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 09, 2012 12:45:05

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Slammed: A Novel

Slammed: A Novel Review

Prices as of : Sep 07, 2012 16:00:06
Listprice : $15.00
Offier Price : $9.39
You Save : $5.61

Slammed: A Novel Overview

New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover writes a romantic debut novel about a family shattered by a sudden death that leads to two unlikely lovers forming an intricate bond. Following the unexpected death of her father, eighteen-year-old Layken is forced to be the rock for both her mother and her younger brother. Outwardly, she appears resilient and tenacious, but inwardly, she’s losing hope.

One young man brings change to all of this. After moving across the country, Layken meets her attractive twenty-one-year-old neighbor who has an intriguing passion for slams. Within days of their introduction, Will and Layken form an intense connection, leaving Layken with a renewed sense of hope.

Not long after a heart-stopping first date, they are slammed to the core when a shocking revelation forces their new relationship to a sudden halt. Daily interactions become impossibly painful as they struggle to find a balance between the feelings that pull them together and the forces that tear them apart.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 07, 2012 16:00:06

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

relationship guidance Books Can Help anyone

You shouldn't have to consult a relationship advice book every time you come along a hurdle in your relationship. It's true that relationship are difficult to profess in the long run and sometimes they can be more issue than they're all-around worth, but love is make the world go 'round, right?

There are some things that are givens -- stuff that should be tasteless sense to your midpoint person: Think about your partner's side of things, treat them how you want to be treated. Those two things could solve 85% of relationship problems, worldwide. But the fact of the matter is that either some habitancy don't reconsider that they are the ones who are doing something wrong, or some problems are just too big to fit into those two rules of thumb. That's where a relationship advice book comes in.


The two of you could just be arguing a lot, or one of you cheated, or things just aren't clicking anymore -- there are books to cover pretty much any relationship problem, for anybody. It's very true that love is complicated, and there are just some things that a puny bit of tasteless sense can't solve. You could love your partner with every bit of your heart and for some theorize you two keep fighting or can't seem to agree, there are advice books for both men and women to look into and see exactly why they are fighting the way they are. Relationships are all about chemistry, and there are both good and bad combinations for love. In that vein, some relationship problems just can not be solved by a book.

It's all the time a blow to your heart and soul when you love man with every ounce of your being and for some theorize things just aren't working out. But you're not alone, it's happened to every person at one point or another. That's just life. The attractiveness of life is going through both the good and the bad with the opportunity to come to be a great man through it. Unfortunately, a lot of habitancy forget that along the way. However, if you're sure that you both love each other but there are some unexplained hiccups on your road to happiness, consulting a book may help.

Think of a relationship advice book like your own personal couples counseling session that you can rewind and playback whenever you want to. That's how principal one of these books can be when you're going through hard times in your relationship, especially if you don't understand why you're having these problems. And there's no shame in consulting a relationship advice book either. For decades couples all around the world have come into issue and have had to get advice from books to see what exactly they could do to save their relationship. Why gamble both of your happiness because you don't want to admit you had to look at a book?

relationship guidance Books Can Help anyone

วันจันทร์ที่ 3 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Reading Children the Right Books

Reading to children is one of the things that parents can do to make children smart. during the early language development of the child, it is foremost that parents know how a child responses to his environment. The cries and gazes of a 6-month old child are the ways of communication by an infant. This changes when the child begins to utter simple words, increase his vocabulary and is ready to attend Kindergarten school. Until that time comes, parents should purchase educational books that the child will find thoughprovoking and useful for his age.

As a parent, you may want to read about how to make kids smart so you know you will not be giving your child inappropriate reading materials. While this can be helpful in fulfilling your goal for your child, what you may for real want to find out is which books will be best for your child. In this regard, you will find many help.


The mission of many writers of children's books is to make and publish books that are exquisite to the level of mind development of a child. While the degrees of the development of insight vary, experts know there is a thorough for each age bracket of children. Bearing this in mind, experts encourage the use of leveled books.

Two of the many names that reserve this principles are the names Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnel. The notion of guided reading is widely used in elementary schools in America. This is the systematic approach that both Fountas and Pinnel encourage teachers to use in developing the reading skills of a child.

There are some tasteless leveled reading methods and one of which is the development Reading evaluation (Dra). In this method, a teacher assesses the range of skills of the child in areas of accuracy, insight and reading by using leveling books thorough for the grade level of the child.

In order not to confuse teachers and other educators for customary school, there is a leveled text chart available for reference. In this chart, the Dra reading level chart shows an equivalent chart for other methods like Guided Reading Level (Grl) and Lexile Measures. The books for each level are a range of what is right for the grade level and transitional books for the next level. These sets of books make a classroom library for students.

The Fountas and Pinnell books for leveled reading start from Kindergarten level up to Grade 8. This is also the case for Grl and Lexile Measures. Upon seeing closely, the layout for each book level slowly changes towards the next level of education. The design of these academic books is to supply the students, especially the microscopic ones, with materials for the development of the reading capabilities and learn about diverse topics that they need and interests them. If you want to purchase books other than what your child uses at school, there is a Fountas and Pinnell book list for your reference.

When one acquires the skill of reading and develops the quality to realize what he reads, then he gets real education. If you are a parent who believes that your children deserve good education, start reading to children the books that are right for their age.

Reading Children the Right Books

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Get Your Dog Boarding Kennel Noticed With A Website

A great advertising medium that a dog boarding kennel owner cannot ignore is the internet. Most kennels do now have a website but there are still some stragglers. You do not have to be a big enterprise to own your own website, so even if you are a small kennel, a website can only benefit you and familiarize many pet owners of your business, a website is truly a fundamental key to enterprise success.

Your website must make use of key words and phrases that recapitulate to the services you are offering and the crusade terms entered by pet owners trying to find those services. Google is a great reserved supply to see what pet owners are entering to find the services you are offering. See the Google Keyword Tool to find great keywords to use in your website.


Because a dog boarding kennel is what is called a local business, meaning you have a bodily location and you only categorically want pet owners searching for the services you offer in your bodily location to find you, registering with Google Places is a great idea. Google Places will place your enterprise on Google Maps and highlight your website as more relevant to searches seeing for services in a exact location. In expanding go and make sure your website is listed in all the electronic versions of the Yellow Pages and other dog boarding kennel exact listing websites.

Websites are also great for adding forms for population to fill in which allow pet owners to send you reservation requests. With forms you can ask the pet owner to respond all the relevant questions you have about their pets and the reservation you want to make and have that data sent to your e-mail. It is a marvelous way to take a booking as an alternative to taking a booking over the phone. The other great highlight about a form is that you can get the pet owners e-mail address for marketing purposes, you can e-mail them reminders and extra offers as they come to be available.

You would also be very surprised at how inexpensively you can have a website these days, many services have very easy to use free templates which need no coding and are very easy to set up. You can also buy domain names (the webs address of your kennel) for only a few dollars per year. If you would like a more custom and expertly done website which is ultimately recommended, there are some individuals and small fellowships within the world of dogs and cats that can create and post your site based on your brochure and consist of fullness of photographs of your premises.

If you have a Google inventory which you should for Google Places and the Google Keyword Tool, you can also have advertising campaigns for your kennel in Google AdWords. If your advertising campaign works well and the bookings mount up, you can begin and end campaigns to make sure you are booked up not just during holidays and the busy season but also at times when you are usually slow.

Get Your Dog Boarding Kennel Noticed With A Website

วันเสาร์ที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

investigate Time Invested and Profitable Niche Found

How much time you spend researching a possible niche is another indication of how profitable it may be. If you're having difficulty finding facts on a topic, or you are having difficulty narrowing the topic down to one or two niches when using straightforward crusade tools, then there may not be enough interest in the niche to make it a profitable one. If, after spending twenty or thirty minutes researching a niche, you don't find much information, then begin a new search.

Searches that take less than twenty minutes may indicate that the niche is popular, but also saturated with competition. Because web spiders used by crusade engines assign web rank straight through keywords, back links, and other indicators, crusade effect pages that list thousands and thousands of websites means there is a lot content to be found on the topic you're researching.


Another indicator is the number of times the keyword has been searched. Anyone over 50,000 times in one month is a sign that the niche is saturated with products or will be very soon.

How long you spend researching your topics in order to narrow them down will be up to you. A thorough crusade should take no more than an hour once you are able to narrow down your topic and find books, magazines, ads, and other items that pertain to the niche.

What To Do Once You've Found A Profitable Niche

When you find a niche that you believe will be profitable, it is leading to begin developing your product, construction your website, and planning your marketing strategy as soon as you can. The goal is to beat the competition and get your stock out there first.

Even though you will be very excited to have found your first profitable niche, you need to stay focused and begin planning your next move.

A profitable niche may only be profitable for a few weeks or months depending on how big it is and the ask for products. Some niches can be profitable for a year or more.

Regardless of how long the niche is profitable, it is your job to originate a stock that appeals to the niche, provides them with facts they've been searching for, and shop it properly so it can be as profitable for you as possible.

investigate Time Invested and Profitable Niche Found