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7 Stages Of Online Dating (Part 1)

So, you've just put up a profile on some online dating or communal networking site. Or maybe you've been online for awhile now, and you think you know the ropes pretty good, right?

I'm going to enlighten you on what both sexes have to worry about online and what both sexes have to go through so you know the truth for once! For one of the online dating guide books I'm writing for guys, I have, for the last 2 ½ years, been on about 35 separate dating websites meeting and getting to know women and discovering the true art of online dating or online meeting people.


What I have learned about men and women is equivalent to a Ph.D. From Harvard on human behavior, sexuality, and psychology.

The biggest things All guys have to worry about are women using fake pictures that aren't them and lying about their age online - usually they're older than they say. (Note: The 3 things women lie about the most offline is their real age, weight, and dress size.)

The biggest thing women have to worry about guys online is they're married or have a girlfriend, outdated pictures, and of course their own personal safety. (Note: The 3 things guys lie about the most offline is how much they positively make, how big their penis is, and how long they can last in bed.) If a guy says he makes K, a FedEx driver, says he has an average size thingy, and can last about 15 minutes, he's probably telling you the truth ladies!

1/2 of all particular Americans are now or have been online dating. Why you ask?

Because the bar, nightclub and dating scene just gets old eventually. Maybe it takes you until you're 25, 30, 35, maybe 40 years old, but it will ultimately get old believe me. It's not so much in going out and partying that gets old, but more seeing and hoping to meet some hot and great someone that you want to date, hook up with, or marry down the road.

Having to hear the same drunk meatheads hit on you or grab you. Or for guys look colse to and see the same unappealing women out and about The curious particular someone of the 21st century also knows it's a numbers game. (I don't mean sleeping colse to or trying to get a lot of action whether for all you players and playettes.

Ladies, you have all heard you have to kiss a lot of toads to find your prince, right? Well, online you can kiss hundreds maybe even a thousand times more toads in a tenth of the time you ever could offline.

I personally know within minutes of reading most profiles, if any woman has a occasion or not with me to go to the next levels. I will clarify in greater detail in a few moments. From just talking on the phone or Iming with a woman for an hour or so, I can tell if there is some good chemistry or any kind of whatever in the future.

I have just honed in on my "Spidey Senses" so much now, and I don't want to waste even a microscopic of my time or someone else person's if I don't think whatever will ever come of it. This is not rude or mean at all. It's the right and honest thing to do I believe.

You're not leading on someone, wasting their time, or setting them up to positively get their feelings hurt. Too much of that crap happening already without you contributing to it with all the heartless, selfish, ungiving, and cheating citizen in the world today and online.

What are the 7 stages of online dating and what happens in each stage?

Stage 1

In this stage someone winks at you, shows interests in you by posting a commentary on your profile, or invites you to their network of friends. whatever dating site you're on, they all have similar type features.

What does this stage mean? Not a whole lot. The someone obviously didn't think enough of you or at least not yet to positively take the time and email you. So in our Add/lazy ass community we just click a button or two to let you know we checked out your profile (Usually that's a lie. They saw your pictures and then on a purely physically based decision they contacted you because of that).

Then, we hope the other someone sees that we commented or invited them to our network and they make the next move back or take it to the next stage - to email you. Basically the someone is trolling the whole ocean seeing for a few bites and thinking even a broken watch is right twice a day!

Sound familiar?

Stage 2

In this stage, someone positively view enough of your pictures and/or profile to take the time to email you their opinions, curiosity, or interest in you using your dating sites email account. This is the safe, derive way because you're not letting that someone into your life at all, and they can only palpate you through that dating site; not your personal email list that you only share with friends, family, business associates, or citizen you trust at least a little.

What does this stage mean? Well, the someone took the time out of their day to email you something which is a good thing sometimes and shows their level of interest is now past stage 1. The email could be something crude, lude, sexual, sweet, nice, funny, romantic, flattering, etc. So the jury's out on whether what they send you is a good or bad thing.

But unlike a posted commentary or invite many citizen will at least reply back to someone's email that took the time to email them, so if you want to get to know someone I would do this stage for sure.

Stage 3

In this stage, mutual cooperation is usually needed because you exchange (or one of you gives the other) you're personal email address. Unless of course the someone has their personal email address, which most sites block from showing if you try but some citizen put their personal email addresses on their site so you can palpate directly that way.

What does this stage mean? Well, you just let them into your microscopic world a tad bit. Now you can exchange pictures with each other as well as use emoticons and separate font styles to get your email message to them more convincingly. That someone also, with very microscopic effort, can track down where your internet connection is arrival from meaning city/state.

It's a good thing to find out to see if someone's lying about where they live or bad if you don't want to give out the city/state of where you live for safety reasons if you're like a porn star, model, or someone in the media and would be prone to get whacko's and stalker types.

Keep a look out for Part 2, with added explanations of stages 4-7 about online dating.

7 Stages Of Online Dating (Part 1)

