วันพุธที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

9 Tips For How to Promote Your Book on a itsybitsy allocation

There are thousands of ways to shop your book. And after months of marketing my book, I've come up with a list of what I've found to be the most efficient and foremost tips for getting the word out on a diminutive funds about your book.

Tip #1 - Get a website:
Have a website ready to go the occasion your book is out. And then associate your website directly to your book's page on Amazon (and other sites too).


Tip #2 - Write seminar guidelines:
Have seminar guidelines ready to download as a Pdf off your website. And if you've written an adult book, reconsider together with a section of questions for teens.

Tip #3 - supply free chapters:
Have the first few chapters ready as free Pdf downloads off your website. This is a great way to get readers "hooked" on reading the rest of the book.

Tip #4 - Do read some books on promoting your book:
Some of the books I found particularly helpful are:
Sell Your Book on Amazon by Brent Sampson (terrific ways to create a presence on Amazon)
Red Hot Internet Publicity by Penny C. Sansevieri (you can sign up for free email info at amarketingexpert.com)
Plug Your Book by Steve Weber (subtitle: Online Book Marketing for Authors)
1001 Ways to shop Your Books (sixth edition) by John Kremer (huge book so for now I only read episode 12 -- "How to Sell Books Via Computer") (you can sign up for free email info from him at bookmarket.com)

Tip #5 - procure all the publicity tips you can and jump on any opportunities:
Joan Stewart the Publicity Hound (sign up for free email info at publicityhound.com) has great pr tips. And sign up on helpareporter.com to get email updates for story sources that reporters need.

Tip #6 - Start a blog as soon as possible, preferably before your book is published:
Unfortunately I only learned this wisdom right before my book was published, but I did jump right in once I did learn.

Tip #7 - Optimize your Amazon presence:
Make sure you take full advantage of author tools on Amazon, together with having your blog feed into your AmazonConnect feature on your book's page.

Tip #8 - Ask book bloggers to communicate your book:
And if they say yes, be sure to give them a free copy for themselves as well as a free copy for a contest in association with your book. Book giveaways on book blogs are major attention-getters for habitancy who read. (And if book bloggers really like your book, they're often willing to post the communicate from their blog on Amazon and other book sites.)

Tip #9 - Take a virtual book tour:
I used pumpupyourbookpromotion.com to take a month-long virtual book tour (your book is featured on blogs with whether a communicate or an interview or both), and I found the palpate highly efficient for developing relationships with book bloggers.

9 Tips For How to Promote Your Book on a itsybitsy allocation

Thanks To : Best Books

