วันจันทร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

The Benefits of Having More Than One Book to Sell

Writing the second book is one of the best things any author can do. It may not be an easy thing to do, and it may not all the time seem worthwhile at first, but numerous reasons exist for why writing a second book is one of the best ways to reap the greatest benefits from your role as author.

Whether you are traditionally published or self-published, once your first book is out in public, you as the author have to commit a great deal of time to marketing it. This commitment can be provocative and exhilarating, but it can also be exhausting and time-consuming. You may find yourself putting so much time and vigor into promoting your first book that you don't have time left over for the second book. Perhaps you even wrote the first book, not because you like to write, but to boost your group speaking vocation or to look like an scholar in your field to growth your business; you may feel your first book done that goal, so you don't need a second book. Anything the case, good reasons exist for why writing the second book should be an integral part of your firm plan.


"Why? My first book isn't even selling," you might say. Maybe not, but a second book will help make that first one sell. Here are some former reasons why:

Increased scholar Recognition. The first book has made some population realize you as an scholar on your book's topic. While many population will be impressed by you and think you are a celebrity just because you wrote a book, you won't impress everyone. Let's face it-especially if you're a self-published author, some population will view you as an amateur. Writing that second book shows that you are committed to being an author, that you are professional, that writing, or at least the topic you write about, is your former vocation focus. A second book is a great expanding to your credentials. People like Variety. population might have noticed but not been sold on buying your first book. But when the second book comes out, it gives them a push to buy. They now have an choice between books-they now have a choice, and population like choices. population will now consideration both books and rather than ask themselves, "Should I buy this book?" the quiz, will become, "Which book should I buy?" Many population will decide to buy both to avoid having to make the decision. People Don't Want to Be Left Behind. When a second book comes out, it makes population who haven't read the first book feel like they are behind the times and great hurry to catch up. The second book's publication will then encourage them to buy and read the first book. I know many authors who have reported that their first book continually outsells subsequent books because population want to start with the first one, and each time a new book comes out, the first book's sales go up. population who buy the first book may never get colse to to reading the second or third book, but at least you got them to buy the first one. People Like to Get a Deal. population all the time like a bargain. Even if it's just rescue a dollar or two, if they think they are getting a deal, they are more likely to buy. If you have two books, you can sell them together and let customers know they will save 10 percent, or Anything estimate you decide on, if they buy the books together. You Already Have an Audience-So Sell to It. If population already bought your first book, a good ration of them are likely to buy the second. Why do you think movie studios make sequels to films? Because a fair percentage, probably 50 percent or more, of those population who saw the first movie will come back to see the second. If population like your first book, they're more likely to read your second book, and they'll choose it over other book by an author they don't know because it's more of a sure thing.Writing that second book can only growth your sales and enlarge your position as an author. And once the second book takes off, the more you write, the more population will be provocative about you and want to read more. Agatha Christie hasn't sold 2 billion copies, half of them thirty-five years after her death, by writing just one book. She wrote eighty-and only the Bible has outsold her. Would Harry Potter have been so flourishing if J.K. Rowling only wrote one book? You know the answer. Get that second book on paper or your laptop as quickly as possible.

The Benefits of Having More Than One Book to Sell

